Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

3.3.1 Travel and Vehicle Policy

This policy applies to all employees/departments and all funds administered by the University: general budgeted funds, grants, and contracts.

The traveler is responsible for complying with Piedmont University travel policies and procedures and obtaining and maintaining required documentation related to the travel. Travelers must also comply with federal policies, laws, and regulations. Traveler will be personally responsible for reimbursing excess costs, including those created by circuitous routes, avoidable delays, luxury accommodations and services unnecessary/unjustified in the performance of official business. 


Official Primary Workplace– is based on the employee’s assigned campus for each particular day. All geography within a 50-mile radius of a campus will be considered part of the employee’s base and not reimbursable for mileage expense.


Assigned Vehicles -- Each employee whose position requires a dedicated vehicle for business usage is required to keep a Vehicle Mileage Log (to track all business/personal use) and submit this log the Controller’s Office at the end of each month.  The log should include: date, travel destination/purpose and odometer readings for business/personal usage. Mileage is taxable if personal use, such as a stop for an errand between a business activity and home, exceeds de minimis use.

Reimbursable Travel Expenses (Travel Checklist)

Expenses must meet the following minimum requirements to be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Prior Approval: Faculty, staff and student travel must have prior approval by the supervisor/dean and unit vice president.
  • Business Purpose: Travel must support the business purpose of Piedmont University.
  • Adequate Records: Adequate records and documentary evidence, such as detailed receipts, are required for all lodging and other expenses.
  • Compliance: Transactions must be in compliance with Federal and State laws. Piedmont University will follow the Portal-to-Portal Act and will not compensate for mileage and/or time for traveling to or from work. The work location will be defined as the campus and/or location where the employee has their first class, meeting, or duty for the day. Reporting first to a campus closer to home prior to the employee's arrival at the location of their first class, meeting, or duty will not make the time and/or mileage between the first campus and the location of their first class compensable, unless the employee is required to report to the first campus by a supervisor.

Travel Pre-Approval Request Application- the Faculty-Staff Travel Pre-Approval Application Form.pdf is to be used by all faculty and staff to authorize travel prior to establishing travel plans. Travel includes overnight and international travel, as well as, same day air travel. Travel requests are to specify the nature of travel and cost estimate of the trip before the application is submitted to the supervisor for initial approval. The employee (or supervisor) is responsible for forwarding the request to the unit vice president for final approval prior to commencement of travel. All approved forms should be forwarded to the Controller’s Office.


Student Travel Pre-Approval Application - Faculty and staff sponsoring students to attend events should complete a Student Travel Pre-Approval Application.pdf and submit it to the unit Department Chair/Supervisor for approval prior to travel. 


Student Meal Allowance Request and Acceptance - At least a week in advance of approved travel, a Request a Payment form should be submitted to the Controller’s Office.

This form should request $25 per student/day to cover daily meal expenses ($5 breakfast, $7 lunch and $13 dinner allowance). The request should include trip details, each student’s name, number of days and each student’s total per diem amount/each day. The faculty/staff member will have each student sign a Student Acceptance Form to indicate they have received their per diem funds for the event and submit the signed form to the Controller’s Office. How students manage their meal money is then up to them and no expense report is required for meals.


If the employee departs earlier than one (1) day before a conference or workshop or returns more than one (1) day following the event, a valid business justification must be provided to support any additional expenses incurred. Travelers should always return home the day the conference or workshop ends, provided they can arrive home at a reasonable hour.

The traveler must use the most economical and practical standard mode of transportation, taking into consideration time, cost, and reasonableness.

Transportation costs by common carrier (air, bus, or rail) for authorized, official travel are allowable for reimbursement. The cost of airfare approved for reimbursement is limited to the lowest priced airfare available. When the traveler elects to drive a personal vehicle in lieu of using a commercial carrier, reimbursement will be at the approved allowable mileage rate or the applicable coach airfare rate, whichever is lower. The University will only reimburse for the most economical and practical mode of transportation. This documentation should be obtained prior to departure, using the dates that would be required if flying. If no documentation is provided as evidence, Accounts Payable will reimburse based upon the information gathered at the time the reimbursement is submitted. Infrequent exceptions to this limit may be granted when a valid business reason can be substantiated, in advance of the trip, to the Controller’s Office.

Claims for meals or lodging for additional travel time resulting from driving will not be reimbursed. In additions, extra travel time necessitated by the traveler’s optional use of private transportation is not considered time worked and must be taken as a vacation.


To secure reimbursement, original itemized receipts are required for hotel charges incurred. Reservations should be made in advance whenever practical, and efforts should be made to obtain discount rate accommodation whenever possible. Reimbursement for lodging varies according to arrival and departure requirements. Unless prior approval is received, previous day arrivals and extra-day stays are not reimbursed.


To secure reimbursement the original itemized receipts are required for the cost of meals incurred within reasonable amounts. Daily travel allowance for three meals is $36 ($7 breakfast, $9 lunch and $20 dinner allowance), including tax and tips. If reimbursement is for persons other than the traveler, IRS regulations require that the names of the individuals involved, and the purpose of the expense be provided. The following guidelines apply to reimbursement of meal expenses:

  1. The following meal expenses are reimbursable provided expenses are incurred and receipts are submitted. Employees who depart for an overnight trip prior to 6:30 a.m. can file for reimbursement for breakfast. On returning day of travel, employees returning prior to noon will be reimbursed for breakfast only. Employees returning prior to 5 pm will be reimbursed to breakfast and lunch only.
  2. Employees who are official university representatives may be reimbursed for meals that are an integral part of a scheduled, official meeting. Reimbursement is only authorized, however, if the meeting is with persons outside the employee’s department and if the meeting continues during the meal.
  3. Employees may be reimbursed for a noon meal if the meal is a scheduled part of an intra-university meeting or training session (i.e., the meeting or training session continues during lunch and the employees do not leave the premises of the meeting site). Reimbursement for the meal expenses may be documented by a copy of the formal written agenda. Employees will not be reimbursed for noon meals when they are included as part of a required registration fee.
  4. When more than one University employee is present during a meal, the senior level employee is typically responsible for paying the bill and seeking reimbursement. Alcoholic beverages may be purchased by the President and Vice Presidents of the University, when the purchase is for reasonable entertainment for University business. No alcohol may ever be served to students or minors.
  5. Business meals are meals taken during which specific University business discussion takes place.


Expense Report–Upon returning from University approved travels, travelers are responsible for preparing an Expense Report found the Piedmont University SharePoint page.  List all reimbursable items and submit the report along with the necessary supporting documentation for review and supervisor approval. Receipts must be itemized, attached to the expense report and show proof of payment.   Expense reports must be submitted within 15 calendar days of the conclusion of the expense or trip. 

Scanned Receipts – Electronic copies of documentary evidence are acceptable by the IRS per Revenue Procedure 97-22. The copies must be identical to the originals and contain all of the information of the original receipt.

Non-Reimbursable Travel Expenditures

Expenses not directly related to the performance of the travel assignment are non-reimbursable, regardless of funding source. Examples of Non-Reimbursable Travel Expenditures include, but are not limited to:

  • Books, Magazines, Newspapers for personal use
  • Child-care, babysitting, adult or senior care, house-sitting, pet-sitting/kennel charges
  • Commuting between home and campus
  • Costs incurred by traveler's failure to cancel transportation or hotel reservations in a timely fashion.
  • Evening-wear rentals; formal wear expenses
  • Flowers
  • Gifts
  • Haircuts and personal grooming
  • Laundry and dry-cleaning; shoeshine services
  • Passports, vaccinations, and visas, unless required as a specific and necessary condition of the travel assignment
  • Personal entertainment expenses including in-flight movies, headsets, health club facilities, hotel pay-per-view movies, in-theatre movies, social activities, and related incidental costs
  • Travel accident insurance premiums and/or purchase of additional travel insurance
  • Spouse or Dependent Expenses
  • Valet parking expenses when self-parking is available.
  • Travel time and/or mileage to or from work, including engagement in incidental activities before or after work.
  • Travel between campuses.

Vehicles Policy

Piedmont University maintains a fleet of shared vehicles that are available for use by pre-qualified drivers of the University conducting official University business including recruiting and transportation for student services/athletics are the primary purposes of the University’s fleet. The university fleet includes but is not limited to cars, trucks, vans, and golf carts.

Students should not be transported in an employee's personal vehicle.

Drivers must meet eligibility requirements and agree to operate University vehicles in a safe and responsible manner, with respect for other drivers and with awareness that they are acting as a representative of the University. Facilities Management oversees that procedures established by this policy are followed by all who request vehicles.

Vehicle Request and Pick Up:

  1. Vehicle Request Form: At least two weeks prior to date needed, a Vehicle Request Form should be submitted.
    1. The form can be found:
      1. On Dude Solutions/Asset Essentials: https://assetessentials.dudesolutions.com/PiedmontCollege/MyRequest/Add
      2. Or the quick links.
    2. Select the requested vehicle and list the department account number for accounting purposes.
    3. Use the Van list on the Facilities Management PilgrimNet page to help with van selection.
      1. Drivers: All University faculty/staff drivers must be cleared to drive through the background check process that takes place as a new hire and regularly thereafter. Volunteers and students are not allowed to drive University vehicles, including golf carts. All faculty/staff passenger van drivers must be 25 years or older.
      2. Key Pickup: Pick up the vehicle keys from Facilities (Demorest) or Director of Services (Athens) during normal business hours on the day of (or afternoon prior to) vehicle use. If before or after-hours pickup at Campus Security is needed, it can be prearranged with Facilities Management.

Vehicle Return:

Upon completion of University-related use:

  1. Fueling
    1. Fill the vehicle with fuel at a station close to the University before returning it to campus. If using a PCard or requesting reimbursement, a receipt must be provided.
    2. For vehicles returned without a full tank, the department will be charged a $50 service charge in addition to the cost to refuel.
  2. Vehicle Return:
    1. Clean out vehicle. This includes cleaning out all trash and crumbs that may have fallen in the seats or floor. A small broom and dustpan are in all fleet vehicles. Driving privilege may be revoked for returning a messy vehicle.
    2. Return vehicle and keys to Facilities Management. If it is before or after normal University hours, return keys to the Campus Police drop box.

Maintenance and Repairs:

All owned and leased fleet vehicles have an Enterprise Maintenance Management Card in the vehicle to be used for all service/maintenance transactions for the vehicle.

  1. Approvals and Authorizations: Provide this card to the repair facility for repair negotiations, approvals and authorizations.
  2. Major Repairs: For major repairs, including towing and car rental, please call Enterprise National Service Department at 800-325-8838. They will handle repairs and give directions.
  3. Reimbursement for Repairs: Do not act independently of the Enterprise managed maintenance programs. Any personal expenses incurred from doing so will be reviewed and may not be reimbursed.
  4. Scheduled Routine Maintenance: Scheduled routine maintenance of vehicles is also provided by Enterprise and will be coordinated by Facilities Management.

Parking and Moving Violations:

  1. Tickets: Drivers of Piedmont University vehicles, are responsible for any and all tickets (including but not limited to parking and moving violations). Notify Human Resources within 48 hours of any tickets/traffic violations.
    1. Drivers have full responsibility and are accountable for any/all tickets received while in possession of a Piedmont University vehicle (irrespective of whether use of vehicle is for business or personal purposes).
    2. This responsibility includes the timely payment of all parking and moving violations associated with the vehicle.

Failure to notify Piedmont University of a ticket or violation or pay the required fine may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Accidents and Safety:

Procedure to follow for reporting/filing an accident: In the event of an accident, please follow the instructions below:

  1. When an accident involves another vehicle, obtain the following:
    1. Drivers name
    2. Address
    3. Telephone number
    4. Name of Insurance Company
    5. Vehicle registration number
    6. Vehicle license plate number
  2. If possible, obtain the name, address, and telephone number of any witnesses, including name, badge number, and address of any investigating police agencies.
  3. Please note if there are any injuries reported by anyone involved in the accident.
  4. As soon as possible after the accident occurs, notify employee’s immediate supervisor and email Human Resources @ HR@piedmont.edu.
  5. Contact Enterprise as soon as possible to report the claim: 800-3258838 x2.
  6. Driver is responsible to notify any state/or local agency (police, etc.) of the accident and file the appropriate written report.
  7. Send written estimates of damage to Enterprise.
  8. If the vehicle is incurring storage charges, driver is to notify supervisor and Facilities Management.
  9. If alternative transportation is necessary during repair work, contact Enterprise so that an interim rental arrangement can be made.
  10. If an adjuster or any other representative from the other driver’s insurance company contacts driver for a statement, either written or verbal, refer that person to Facilities Management.
  11. For driver protection, please follow the above instructions carefully

Safety Guidelines:

Safety is of the utmost concern to Piedmont University.  Drivers should consider all vehicle safety-related guidelines including, without limitation, the following:

  1. Comply with ALL motor vehicle traffic laws while operating a vehicle on company business or a company vehicle at any time.
  2. Require all vehicle occupants to wear safety restraints while operating or riding in a University vehicle. The driver is responsible for enforcing use of safety restraints by all occupants.
  3. No smoking is allowed in University owned or leased vehicles.
  4. Driving is a full-time job. Avoid all distractions…concentrate on the other driver by assuming that person will not do what is expected.
  5. Individuals are prohibited from operating any vehicle on company business or a Piedmont University vehicle at any time while under the influence of alcohol or any substance that impedes the safe operation of a moving vehicle.
  6. Firearms and illegal substances are not permitted in Piedmont University vehicles at any time.
  7. Individuals are prohibited from the transportation of hitchhikers or strangers.
  8. The use of a cell phone or similar device while operating a vehicle is prohibited unless hands-free.
  9. Roads are crowded…consider all vehicles as potential accidents looking for a place to happen.
  10. Beware when entering an intersection. Always count to two before entering an intersection from a stop sign or a stoplight.
  11. Signal entry onto freeways and stay in the center or inside lane for ease of emergency maneuvering.
  12. Do not insist on the right-of-way; assume the other driver will.
  13. During cold weather season give extra consideration to bridges and overpasses.
  14. Use turn signals for parking, lane changes, and all turns in shopping and office center parking lots.