Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

3.2.3 Email Account Retention Policy

1. Purpose 

 Individuals may leave the University for a variety of reasons, which gives rise to differing situations regarding the length of email privileges or expiration of accounts. The policy governing those privileges are set forth below. Notwithstanding the guidelines below, the University reserves the right to revoke email privileges at any time.

2. Definitions 

 2.1 Delete – To permanently erase all content. Deleted emails cannot be recovered. 

2.2 Disable – To make hidden from public access and to be inaccessible to general end- users.

2.3 Non-Returning Student – Any previously enrolled student that is not enrolled at the start of Fall Semester.

3. Policy 

3.1 Students

3.1.1 Graduating Students

  • Email accounts will remain active until the August following the student’s graduation date.
  • Email accounts will be disabled starting the August following the student’s graduation date. The email account will remain disabled for four months.
  • After the four-month disabled period, the student’s email account will be deleted.

3.1.2 Non-returning Students

  • A non-returning student report will be run each August.
  • All non-returning students’ email accounts will be disabled for four months.
  • After the four-month disabled period, the student’s email account will be deleted.

3.2 Staff/Faculty

  • The last date of employment notification will come from the HR department.
  • When Information & Technology Services (ITS) receives the last date of employment notification, the staff/faculty email account will be immediately disabled.
  • The staff/faculty email account will be deleted after 12 months.

3.3 Exceptions

  • Any exception to the staff/faculty guidelines must be approved, in writing, by the HR director. If an exception is made, HR will notify ITS.
  • Faculty with emeritus status will have their email accounts monitored for inactivity. For any emeritus email account that has more than 12 months inactivity, the emeritus faculty will be notified of the inactivity and that their email account will be disabled within two weeks of notification unless ITS is contacted. Inactive Emeritus accounts will be disabled for 12 months after which the account will be deleted.
  • Students that are on a documented and approved hiatus from the University will have their email accounts remain active and available. After the approved hiatus period expires, the student’s account will fall under section 3.1.2

3.4 Notifications

As part of onboarding and off boarding processes for students and employees, individuals sign acknowledgement statements verifying they understand this policy.