Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

3.1.10 Resignation or Retirement Notice

Giving properly timed notice of intention to leave the organization's employ is sound business practice. Such notice will provide supervisors and the University's Human Resources Department appropriate time to plan transition as well as provide sufficient time to finalize arrangements for the employee's final paycheck. An employee who intends to resign or retire should provide notice to the University as follows:

non-exempt, at-will employee is expected to provide written notice of at least ten (10) working days prior to the effective dates of the resignation or retirement to the supervisor and the appropriate Dean or Vice President with a copy to the Human Resources Office.


An exempt, at-will employee is expected to provide written notice of at least twenty (20) working days prior to the effective date of the resignation or retirement to the supervisor and the appropriate Dean or Vice President with a copy to the Human Resources Office.


Employees who have employment agreements with the University containing start and ends dates are responsible for giving notice to their direct supervisor and the Office of Human Resources, no later than the end date of the employment agreement, if they do not plan to return during the upcoming employment period.  Benefits will terminate at the end of the month following the employment agreement end date.

Employees may not use ANY type of leave to fulfill the time period for the notice requirement. Resignation/retirement notices which end immediately prior to a holiday period will NOT be considered to run through the holiday period and will NOT result in the employee receiving pay for the holiday(s). Resignation/retirement notices which begin prior to a holiday period and resume after the holiday period, but result in the appropriate number of days worked, may be approved for holiday pay by the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance. Employees who work at least ten (10) workdays during the month of the end of employment will be credited with the vacation accrual for that month. Employees who work less than ten (10) workdays during the month of the end of employment will not receive credit for vacation accrual for the month.


An employee who intends to resign or retire has the responsibility of notifying the Human Resources Department at the time of giving notice of intent to resign or retire of his/her plans so that the necessary paperwork can be completed, and an exit interview can be scheduled.