Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

3.1.42 Reporting and Retaliation Policy

  1. Policy Statement: 

    Piedmont University is committed to providing an educational and workplace environment, including other benefits, activities, and programs, that are free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The University is committed to addressing reports of harassment, discrimination, sexual violence, promptly, consistently, and fairly. We strongly encourage all members of our campus community to report conduct or suspected conduct that they in good faith believe may be a violation of the law or Piedmont University policies so that the University may investigate and take appropriate action.


  2. Reporting Procedures
    1. Who should report:

      The following persons may report conduct or suspected conduct that relates to Piedmont University and that they in good faith believe may violate federal, state, or local law or Piedmont University policies.

      • Piedmont University Employees, including faculty, staff, and student workers.
      • Consultants, vendors, and contractors doing business with Piedmont University.
      • Piedmont University volunteers.
      • Piedmont University students.

    2. What should be reported:

      The suspected misconduct that should be reported includes, but is not limited to, that which involves or relates to the following:

      • Fraud, theft, embezzlement, or misuse of Piedmont University resources.
      • Conflicts of interest or ethics.
      • Computer fraud or data security violations.
      • Child abuse or misconduct involving minors (Georgia Mandatory Reporting to DFCS)
      • Sexual assault, assault, and hazing.
      • Athletics (NCAA)
      • Environmental, health, and safety violations.
      • Discrimination and harassment including age, disability, sex, and race.
      • Research and academic misconduct.
      • Retaliation for reporting misconduct under this policy.
    3. How to report:

      Employees are encouraged to use the reporting procedures set forth in the Piedmont University policies dealing with specific issues. Where there is no such policy or procedure, employees may resolve their concerns by reporting to their immediate supervisor, department head, the Director of Compliance, Equity, and ADA, or the Director of Human Resources.

      To complete a CSA (Campus Security Authority) report please visit https://piedmontcollegega.wufoo.com/forms/incidentcsa-reporting-form/.

      To submit an anonymous tip please visit http://piedmontcollegega.wufoo.com/forms/xuzuwo90bf11uj/.

  3. Confidentiality

    Reports may be submitted anonymously using the web address above, although doing so may hinder the investigation and resolution of the complaint. Reports of violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation, to comply with all applicable laws, and to cooperate with law enforcement authorities.

  4. Protection from Retaliation

    No one at Piedmont University shall engage in retaliatory behavior, including but not limited to intimidation, harassment, discrimination, or, in the case of an employee, the imposition of an adverse employment action, against anyone who files a report under this policy.

    Any individual who engages in retaliatory behavior against another member of the Piedmont University community who has reported a suspected violation or cooperated in the investigation of a violation will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment, following applicable procedures under Piedmont University policies.

    Any employee that believes that they or another individual who reported a suspected violation is being retaliated against should follow the reporting procedures above.

  5. Filing a False Report

    Making a false report or providing false evidence during the course of an investigation may be grounds for discipline in the absence of a good faith belief that the report or evidence is true.

  6. Cooperation

All employees are expected to cooperate fully with the investigation of any suspected violation.