Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

3.1.19 Parking & Identification Cards

Demorest Campus


Parking is provided free to all faculty, staff, students, and visitors to Piedmont University. Faculty, staff, and students must register vehicles on-line on the Campus Safety page of PilgrimNet or in person at the Campus Police office in GB Hall (faculty, staff and students).

Additional information on Motor Vehicles and Parking is available here: https://piedmont.smartcatalogiq.com/2020-2021/Student-Handbook-2020-2021/Campus-Safety/Motor-Vehicles-and-Parking


Identification Cards

Faculty, staff, and students should carry a Piedmont University identification card on campus. Cards are provided free at the Demorest Campus Police office in GB Hall.



Athens Campus

In efforts to keep our campus as safe as possible, Piedmont University ID Cards are required by all faculty/staff/students to enter the Athens Campus building or parking garage. IDs can be made anytime during working hours at the 1st Floor Lobby Desk.

For the first week of every semester, the parking arms will be left open to give new students and faculty the opportunity to get their ID Cards. After that week, the arms will be closed and the only way to enter the parking garage will be with an ID.

If you forget or lose your ID Card:

  • You will not be allowed into the parking garage and will need to find parking on the surrounding streets.
  • You will not have access to the building after it is locked at 5pm.
  • There will be a $25 charge for a replacement.