Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

3.1.34 Training

1. Purpose

1.1 This policy establishes guidelines for conducting training for faculty and staff. The intent of the policy is to ensure the University’s compliance requirements are met as related to training.

2. Scope

2.1 Applies to all faculty and staff with an active Piedmont University email account (any email address ending with @piedmont.edu)

3. Policy

3.1 It is the policy of Piedmont University to take all possible measures to ensure that all faculty and staff complete required training.

4. Procedures

4.1 Human Resources will oversee the training program. The Human Resources Staff will be responsible for the operational requirements of the program. Training must be successfully completed within 4 weeks of receiving the training materials.

4.2 For employees who complete the training within four weeks of receiving the training materials, no further action will be required.

4.3 For employees who do not successfully complete the training within the four-week timeframe, the employee’s network access will be revoked until training is completed.

5. Enforcement

5.1 If an employee has not begun the training within two weeks of receiving the training materials, at the end of the second week of inactivity, an email reminder will be sent to the individual indicating that

a) Training needs to be started.
b) Training must be successfully completed within 4 weeks of receiving the training materials.
c) If training is not successfully completed within 4 weeks of receiving the training materials, the individual’s University network account will be disabled until training is completed.
d) The individual’s immediate supervisor will be copied on the email.

5.2 If an employee has not begun the training within three weeks of receiving the training materials, at the end of the third week of inactivity, an email reminder will be sent to the individual indicating that 

a) Training needs to be started.
b) Training must be successfully completed within 4 weeks of receiving the training materials.
c) If training is not successfully completed within 4 weeks of receiving the training materials, the individual’s University network account will be disabled until training is completed.
d) The individual’s immediate supervisor will be copied on the email.

5.3 If an employee has not successfully completed the training within four weeks of receiving the training materials, the individual’s University network account will be disabled until training is completed.