Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

3.1.35 Live-In Professional Policy

All full-time professionals working within the Residential Living department for Piedmont University are provided, by the university, a furnished apartment within one of the residential buildings in response to requirements of their job description. The primary purpose of these living arrangements is to ensure the trained professional staff members are conveniently available to students, staff members, and for emergencies that may arise.

Apartment Occupancy

  1. The size of an apartment dictates the number of the individuals who can reside in them while simultaneously meeting the purpose for which they are provided.
    1. Total occupancy of a one-bedroom apartment cannot exceed two people.
    2. Total occupancy of a two-bedroom apartment may house a total of up to two adults and two children.
    3. Special circumstances will be considered by the Director of Residential Living in consultation with HR and with the VPSLL who will make the final decision as to the number of people who can reside in professional staff apartments.

  2. Only professional Residential Life staff members, their legally married spouses, and their legally dependent children may reside in staff apartments.

  3. If a staff member wishes to have a legally married spouse reside with them, a marriage certificate must be presented to the Director of Residential Living and Piedmont University Human Resources.
    1. A spouse will need to complete a Background Check Authorization and the institution must receive a report within its requirements prior to living on
      campus. The background check should be completed after the professional staff member has passed the background check required for the position hired.
    2. Alongside the completion and passing of a background check, a spouse will also complete the Ever-Fi training modules prior to residing on campus.

  4. Appropriate documentation must be presented to the Director of Residential Living and Piedmont University Human Resources verifying that any child who resides in the apartment is a legal dependent of the staff member or their spouse.

  5. The Residential Living Professional and others residing within the apartment may occupy the space only during the duration of the professional’s employment at Piedmont University.



  1. The Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] will need to obtain a Piedmont University ID to present to Piedmont University employees as proof of residency (as needed).

  2. The Residential Living professional [and their given Spouse] will need to register their vehicle(s) with Campus Police and abide by all parking policies on-campus.
    1. A faulty/staff parking pass will be issued to the professional [and their given spouse] as part of the live-on package of the professional staff member.

  3. Professional staff keys, including fobs, are to be used for Residential Living business only.
    1. Professional staff members must not share their assigned keys.
    2. Any Spouse will be issued a separate key and fob (if necessary) for entry into the hall/area where the professional staff apartment is located. This key and fob will only allow access to the staff apartment and entry door

  4. A lost room key, building key, or university ID card MUST be reported to the Director of Residential Living immediately.
    1. A lost electronic fob results in a replacement charge of $75.00.
    2. A lost university ID results in a replacement charge of $25.00.
    3. A lost room key issued to any spouse results in a replacement charge of $75.00.
    4. A lost professional staff key results in a replacement charge of any lock needed to be re-cored.


Health and Safety

  1. Professional Residential Life staff members are responsible for ensuring that any guests to the apartment and/or others residing in the apartment do not violate the policies, rules, and regulations of Piedmont University applicable to the live-in staff or the orderly functioning of the University.
    1. Should those residing in the apartment violate such policies, rules and regulations or disrupt the orderly functioning of Piedmont University, the professional staff member is responsible for resolving the problem while working with the Director of Residential Living as needed.

  2. In keeping with the expectation that all Piedmont University employees conduct themselves appropriately in the workplace, and because of the locations of the apartments, propriety and professionalism on the part of the professional staff member and anyone who resides with them is of the utmost importance.
    1. The Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] will sign a statement, which indicates that they agree to and abide by Piedmont University's policies, rules and regulations while they reside in the apartment provided by Piedmont University.

  3. Piedmont University is a smoke-free and tobacco-free campus. The Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] and visitors are prohibited from smoking and using, selling, free distributing, and advertising tobacco products and electronic smoking devices (ex. e-cigarettes) in all facilities and on all University property, including University-owned vehicles, and in any privately-owned vehicle parked or operated on University property.

  4. Smoking, burning of incense, candles, or any other substance is strictly prohibited.

  5. The Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] are NOT to keep or use ANY item that could jeopardize the health and/or safety of occupants of the room, suite, or building. The University reserves the right to determine whether a specific object jeopardizes the health and/or safety of students/staff. Halogen lamps, items with open flames, fireworks, or explosive materials, and weapons included but not limited to, guns (air soft, paintball, pellet, and BB) non-kitchen knives longer than 4 inches, etc. are all specifically prohibited.

  6. To protect electronic equipment, the Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] should use a surge protector. Only extension cords of 12 gauge or lower are permitted. No more than 2 power-consuming items should be plugged into a double electrical outlet at any time.

  7. Appliances such as crock-pots, rice cookers, blenders, and toasters are permitted within the professional’s apartment with the understanding that the Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] will follow proper fire safety behaviors. Coffee makers with internal heating devices and automatic shut offs are permitted.

  8. The Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] are encouraged to bring their own Internet cords. Routers are not permitted. The University’s Information Technology Office must approve any additional hubs and software.

  9. The alcohol policy for the Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] are as follows:
    1. If the Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] are 21 years of age or older at the start of the semester, alcohol is permitted in their apartment.
    2. No alcohol may be consumed in the presence of minors.
    3. Serving or providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 is strictly prohibited.
    4. Beer kegs in any condition, beer balls, any similar type of common source and their equivalents in volume of beer and/or alcohol content are prohibited.
    5. Possession of alcohol paraphernalia is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: electronic alcohol signs, any empty alcohol containers, drinking game supplies, alcohol-related flags, funnels intended for alcohol consumption, bottle and can collections, or other items deemed inappropriate by Residence Life staff.
    6. Any alcohol being transported must be completely covered from open view and be taken directly to the Residential Living Professional’s apartment.
    7. Open containers and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in hallways, stairwells, lounges, parking lots, common areas or on the grounds. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in any public area (outside the apartment) is strictly prohibited (common areas, parking lots, etc.).
    8. The Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] will comply with the laws of Habersham County and the State of Georgia regarding the possession, use, and sale of alcohol. Violations of these guidelines may result in criminal charges, and/or termination from the position. The Piedmont University Administration will review this policy annually.

  10. The pet policy for the Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] are as follows:
    1. The Director of Residential Living and Human Resources must approve the pet prior to being allowed in the apartment. 
    2. Professional staff members need approval for a cat or dog to live on campus. No approval is needed for fish, amphibians, or reptiles per the Residential Living Housing Contract.
    3. Staff members may not pet sit unregistered pets in their apartment. Registered pets are only permitted in apartments where a pet deposit has been paid. Staff members may not pet sit for a registered pet in their personal apartment unless a deposit is paid for the non-pet owner’s apartment.
    4. Professional staff members will be permitted to own and have live in their apartment a limit of one pet.
    5. The limit of animals does not include service, therapy, or emotional support animals that are provided through the ADA as well as the Emotional Support Animal policy that is followed by Piedmont University through the office of Disability Support.
    6. Piedmont University’s policy for service and/or ESA animals states, “The ADA indicates a service animal can only be a dog. The animal must be trained to do a task or work that is directly related to the owner’s disability. An emotional support animal is not specifically trained to do a task or work and does not qualify as a service animal.”
    7. A $250.00 fee will be required, prior to the animal being brought on campus. The deposit can be paid through the Piedmont University Business Office located in Daniel Hall.
    8. The animal must be neutered or spayed at the earliest possible date that is medically safe for the pet. Proof of the operation is required to be on file with Residential Living. The pet must have all required vaccinations, a current copy of the vaccination record must be on file with Human Resources prior to the animal taking residence on campus and updated as required vaccinations are updated. All records will be kept with Residential Living.
    9. When the pet is to leave from your residence, it must do so using the exit that is nearest to the professional’s apartment. The pet should have limited access to the area in the building.
    10. The pet owner is responsible for taking care of the pet while away. The owner of said pet is responsible for arranging care of the pet while away from home and it is allowable to have another staff member care for the pet in the residence of the pet.
    11. The pet owner is responsible for keeping their pet crated when the owner or their spouse are not in the unit. This follows Piedmont University pet policy and allows safety of both the pet and the staff if entry is needed into the unit.
    12. Regular and routine cleaning of floors, kennels, cages, and litter boxes must occur. The strong odor of a pet emanating from the apartment is not acceptable.
    13. All liability for the actions of the pet will be the responsibility of the owner (renters’ insurance is recommended).


Responsibility for University Property

  1. The Residential Living Professional [and their given Spouse] shall maintain the apartment and all the University-owned contents in good working order and in a safe, clean, and habitable condition.
    1. Cleaning services for the apartment will not be provided by Piedmont University.
    2. Professional staff members will properly use and operate all electrical, heating, and plumbing facilities, fixtures, appliances, and furnishings and will notify the University promptly of the need for any repairs.
    3. Professional staff members shall not make or authorize any repairs, alterations, or improvements to any part of the apartment, including, but not limited to painting, rebuilding, removing, or installing, unless prior written approval is obtained from the Director of Residential Living and the Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management.
    4. If wishes to have modifications or improvements made to the Apartment, the professional staff member shall consult with and obtain the approval of the Director of Residential Life prior to modifications.
    5. The professional staff member and spouse agree to maintain and leave the apartment, its contents, including, but not limited to the University’s furniture and the appliances, in good order and repair, except for reasonable wear.

  2. The professional staff member should place maintenance requests for items in need of repair in a timely manner via facilities Helpdesk reporting system.
    1. Emergency repairs or concerns should be addressed immediately through the Piedmont University RD On-Call reporting system.