Student Handbook 2024-2025

Alcohol and Drugs

Possession, use, sale, gift, or other transfer of intoxicants in any form or manner on the University campus is strictly prohibited (see Piedmont Village exception). Any student present during the violation of this policy may also be subject to judicial action. Students under the age of 21 who have consumed alcohol or anyone who has used illegal drugs are in violation of state law and subject to arrest and/or sanctions.


Additional sanctions can be assigned with any offense and can include but are not limited to: counseling services, parental notification, drug testing, restorative justice assignments, restitution for damaged property, party host fine, letter to athletic coach. or educational sanctions etc. Piedmont University is committed to the health and well-being of the members of its staff, faculty, and student body. As part of this commitment, the college complies with all federal, state, and local laws that regulate or prohibit the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or illicit drugs. Violations of such laws that come to the attention of college officials will be addressed within the college and/or through prosecution in the courts.

As administrator of certain federal-funded financial aid programs for students, Piedmont University adheres to the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment. Also, as administrator of certain state-funded financial aid programs for students, Piedmont University adheres to Georgia's Drug-Free Postsecondary Educational Act.

Accordingly, all Piedmont University full-time, part-time, and temporary faculty, staff, and students (hereinafter collectively referred to as "faculty/staff/students") are notified of the Standards of Conduct that Piedmont University will apply to all activities conducted on college-owned property and to all other college-sponsored activities. This policy and any revisions thereto, shall be made available in the Policies and Procedures Manual and the Student Handbook to all faculty/staff/students (including student employees).  A review of this policy shall be conducted once every two years.

All Piedmont University faculty/staff/students are prohibited by the university from unlawful possession, use, manufacture, dispensing, or distributing alcohol or illegal drugs on college-owned property or at university-sponsored activities. Further, no alcoholic beverages shall be served or consumed on university property, with the exception of college-owned homes occupied by faculty or staff, in which locations the consumption and service of alcohol must comply with all federal, state and local laws and the Piedmont Village Residence Hall. At university-sponsored functions attended only by students, faculty and staff, alcoholic beverage service and consumption shall comply with requirements of all federal, state and local laws.

Piedmont University expects all of its faculty/staff/students and all college-sponsored organizations to comply with applicable state, federal, or local laws pertaining to the use, possession, manufacture, dispensation, or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs.