Student Handbook 2024-2025



The term “solicit” is defined as the taking of orders, sales, rentals or donations. This definition applies to activities by any on-campus or off campus individual or group. Private businesses or solicitation may not be conducted on college premises, residence halls, or academic buildings except a university sponsored event and/or when a student organization has requested a particular service and when such service is directly relevant to the purpose of that organization. Any solicitation on campus must have the approval of the Dean of Students whether such solicitation is by an officially recognized student organization, university organization, a governmental agency or other. Such requests must meet the following criteria:

  1. Door-to-door solicitation by outside entities is not permitted.
  2. Activities do not conflict with the educational purposes of the University.
  3. No disruption of traffic either vehicular or pedestrian is involved.
  4. Funds derived from activities must be used for purposes consistent with the goals of the organization.
  5. A detailed written report of funds raised for club activities must be submitted to the Dean of Students
  6. Campus mail may not be used for political or religious information or fundraising.
  7. Request must be approved forty-eight (48) hours in advance of activity.
  8. Policies (i.e. residence hall regulations) governing solicitation in non-academic and academic areas must be followed.
  9. Activities held outside on campus grounds/premises must be restricted to a specified and acceptable area

The following types of solicitation, when approved by the appropriate administrative office, are permitted:

1.   Approved fund-raising activities by organizations related to the University.

2.   Distribution of information in public areas.

3.   All other solicitation is prohibited.