Student Handbook 2024-2025

Bullying or Harassing Behavior

Piedmont University does not condone or tolerate bullying or harassment. Bullying or harassment is defined as any pattern of gestures, written, electronic, or verbal communication, physical act, or threatening communication that puts a student or university employee in fear of harm or property damage, or creates a hostile environment. by substantially interfering with or impairing a student’s education, performance, opportunities or benefits.
A "hostile environment" is one in which the victim subjectively perceives the conduct as bullying or harassing, and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough for a reasonable person to conclude that it is bullying or harassing behavior. Bullying or harassment is not tolerated on university property, at university-sponsored events, or on university transportation. It is also not tolerated off campus if it disrupts the educational environment or harms students' welfare.


Piedmont University will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no one participates in reprisal or retaliation against a victim, witness, or person with reliable evidence regarding an act of bullying or harassment. Piedmont University encourages anyone who witnesses or has verifiable evidence that a student or college employee has been subjected to bullying or harassment to report the incident to the appropriate official.


Student conduct policies and procedures must recognize each student's fundamental right to take "reasonable actions" in order to defend himself or herself or themselves from an attack by another student who has demonstrated menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or harassment. Furthermore, Piedmont University defines "reasonable action" as swiftly reporting bullying or harassment to a campus police, instructor, counselor, or other university official.