Student Handbook 2024-2025

Abandoned Property

Lost or found items should be reported to the Campus Police. Any item that is presumed stolen should be reported promptly to Campus Police immediately. Abandoned property of nominal value or size collected by the University Police and held for a period of 30 days. Within a 30-day period from the date any lost or abandoned property is reported to Campus Police or designee, the rightful owner must make a claim thereon; upon proper proof, the article will be returned to the owner.

For items of value that are specifically lost, found, or abandoned in Residence Life maintained facilities (Residence Halls, University Apartments, or Commons/Activity Centers), stated items will be kept at the nearest Area Office and held for a period of 30 days. Residence Life staff will inventory, label and store items of value, and will send notification, through Piedmont University email, to the respective resident(s), if known, requesting instruction as to whether items will be retrieved or if items may be disposed of by the Department. After the 30 days have expired, the Office of Residence Life can determine if the item is abandoned property or property that should be discarded.

Additionally, this rule includes any items that are abandoned during the move-out process at the end of a semester, or when a student vacates their on-campus residence during an academic term. These items shall be similarly collected and inventoried by Residence Life staff, stored at the Area Office, and will be categorized as abandoned property. Any items left unclaimed within 30 days shall be disposed of by approved procedures and/or donated to local charities accepting items.