Student Handbook 2024-2025

Conduct in On-Campus Classes or Laboratories

A conducive classroom environment is imperative for optimal learning outcomes. To reduce needless noise and confusion, students must take responsibility for proper and respectful behavior. A responsible Piedmont University student is expected to:

  1. Report to each class promptly and quietly. If you must arrive late for class, please approach quietly to prevent disturbing others' concentration and attention while they work.
  2. Bring all of the resources and materials you need for each class. Organize them on your desk and get ready to start working.
  3. Give your instructor your undivided attention. Learning requires concentration and work. You’ll want to learn everything you can.
  4. Prepare your assignments completely and in advance. Be ready to make a contribution to the class when called upon. If you have difficulty in your study efforts, you should consult your instructor regarding effective study techniques or reach out to the Student Success Center.
  5. Maintain a polite and courteous attitude throughout each class time. Avoid interrupting people when they are contributing to the class. Participate in class discussions and consider others' contributions. Listen to what others have to say and respect their ideas, even if they are contrary to what you believe.
  6. Be academically responsible. Review all required materials, acquire all assignments and prepare them on time.
  7. Do not cheat or plagiarize. Do not help another person cheat or plagiarize.
  8. Refrain from bringing minor children to class unless the minor child is in a special or summer program and has permission from the instructor.
  9. Turn off electronic devices during classes, lectures, library, laboratories, media centers during business/university sponsored events unless approved by instructor and/or college official.

Failure to adhere to the rules and expectations will result in a student conduct conference which may result in university sanctions which include but are not limited to fines, community service, suspension, and/or expulsion.


Procedure to File Student Conduct Report

The instructor or person in charge is responsible for routine incidents of minor misconduct that occur in class or during other group activities. To address inappropriate behavior, suitable solutions include clearly articulating the expected behavior, setting a good example, reprimanding the student verbally or in writing, and referring them to the Dean of Students.


If a student violates student conduct and fails to follow college officials' instructions, the offense is no longer deemed minor. If an instructor or College official is not obeyed or threatened, the procedure outlined below must be followed.

  1. If threatened, contact Campus Police or Campus Security immediately. If an individual violates a state or federal law and does not comply with the officer's instructions, they may face jail time and an interim suspension from Piedmont University until a hearing date is set.
  2. The instructor or University administrator should verbally inform the student of any conduct violations listed in the Student Handbook. If an instructor or college administrator informs a student that charges are being reported to the Dean of Students, it should be done in the presence of a witness and not in front of a class or group.
  3. To report an incident, the instructor or university administrator should call Campus Police,the Dean of Students,and notify them as soon as possible.
  4. The instructor or University administrator will contact his/her immediate supervisor about the situation.
  5. The instructor or University administrator shall submit a verbal and written incident report to Campus Police and the Dean of Students. The written report should be completed and submitted within 24 hours.
  6. In the event of a classroom incident, the instructor may request that the student leave class and not return until an investigation is completed, and a decision is made by the Dean of Students regarding the disposition of the incident. During this process, students will not attend courses for up to one week or equivalent. All required absences will be excused if the student does not have an excessive number of absences.