Student Handbook 2024-2025

University Judicial System

Responsible behavior is expected of all Piedmont students at all times. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in varying degrees of consequences. The University is not designed nor equipped to rehabilitate persons who pose a threat to the campus community or disrupt the learning environment. It may be necessary, therefore, to separate those individuals from the campus and end their relationship with the University.

When a student is observed violating a campus policy, a campus official (e.g., residence life professional staff member, resident assistant, faculty/staff member, Campus Police officer) will complete an incident report, available from the Office of Student Life. Students who witness a violation of campus policy should contact a campus official for assistance. 


Student Conduct Procedures and Due Process

Student disciplinary matters are to be reported to the office of Student Life and Leadership. The Vice President of Student Affairs, the Dean of Students/Director of Residential Living, and the Associate and Assistant Directors of Residential Living are the primary campus officials who address policy violations along with the support of campus police. It is the goal of the university to deal with all disciplinary matters in a timely manner and include a meeting with the student to discuss what occurred, if any violations occurred, and discuss possible sanctions.  Students found responsible for Student Code of Conduct violations will be adjudicated and assigned sanctions.  

1. Notification of Student Conduct Violation(s) and the Student Conduct Hearing Process

The Dean of Students will conduct an investigation of any reported student/student organization or club misconduct. After the investigation is completed, the student conduct conference will be assigned to a hearing officer or conduct hearing board. Notification will inform the student/student organization of the date and time of student conduct conference and nature of the incident.

Reporting Party - the person who filed the report/complaint

 Respondent - the person responding to the report/complaint against them

Fact Witness – a person(s) who witnessed alleged violation(s) and can provide fact.

Due Process Rights

  1. All parties will receive notification of the date, time, and location of hearing, 2-3 business days before the hearing.
  2. The reporting and responding party may both seek assistance from an advisor. The advisor is limited to advising the student and may not otherwise participate in the hearing. In the event that the advisor goes beyond this role, it will be deemed a disruption of the hearing process, and the advisor may be removed from the hearing. The reporting and responding party are only allowed one advisor in the hearing.
  3. The reporting party is allowed to present fact witness(es) and evidence. A reporting student, witness, or other participating party who is verbally abusive, disruptive to the process, or persists in trying to inappropriately and substantively participate in the process after being warned to cease and desist may be asked to leave and may be precluded from attendance at future meetings.  The University has the right at all times to determine what constitutes appropriate behavior.
  4. The responding party is allowed to present fact witness(es) and evidence. A responding student, witness, or other participating party who is verbally abusive, disruptive to the process, or persists in trying to inappropriately and substantively participate in the process after being warned to cease and desist may be asked to leave and may be precluded from attendance at future meetings.  The University has the right at all times to determine what constitutes appropriate behavior.
  5. The hearing officer or committee will address questions pertaining to the incident.
  6. After all witness(es) are heard and evidence presented, the hearing officer or committee will make a decision and assign sanctions as deemed necessary. The decision will be based on the preponderance of the evidence standard.
  7. The right to know the sanctions that may be imposed if found responsible or a plea of responsible.
  8. The right to an appeal that is outline in the appeal process in the Piedmont University student handbook.

Procedures during Student Conduct Conference

Student Conduct Conferences shall be conducted by the guidelines listed below. Accused students subject to less severe sanctions may, at the discretion of the Dean of Students, be afforded but are not guaranteed the guidelines outlined below. These guidelines are as follows:

  1. Student Conduct Conferences will be conducted in an orderly manner. The student conduct conference is typically conducted in private and may involve joint conferences where two or more students are charged in the same fact pattern. In student conduct conferences involving more than one accused, students may be permitted in the student conduct conferences concerning each student to be conducted either separately or jointly
  2. The respondent student is expected to attend the entire portion of the student conduct conference at which information is received (excluding deliberations) provided the accused student and the accused student’s advisor appear at the designated time and do not inhibit the proceeding. Admission of any other person, other than an advisor or witness, to the student conduct conference shall be at the discretion of the Dean of Students or the designated hearing officer.
  3. The Hearing Officer will review the violation with the student.
  4. The student will enter plea to each charge violation(s) and sign the document indicating their plea. There will be no finding of responsibility solely because a student remains silent during a student conduct conference. Accused students are responsible for presenting their own information.
  5. The responding party will have an opportunity to be heard in their own defense, either by oral testimony or written statement. If an accused student with notice, does not appear at a student conduct conference, the information in support of charges shall be presented, considered, and a decision may be made. Reasonable accommodation can be requested in order to provide access for students with disabilities. If a student withdraws from the university after an alleged violation, the hearing shall be held in their absence and possible sanctions shall be enacted, if found responsible. All findings and recommendations must be supported by evidence of policy, rule, or regulation violations by the responding party.
  6. Pertinent records, exhibits, student impact statements and other written statements may be accepted as information for consideration. Student impact statements and other documents determined at the discretion of the chairperson shall be reviewed during the sanction phase only.
  7. The focus of inquiry in student conduct proceedings shall be the determination of whether a violation of University rules occurred and, if relevant, collect information to inform factors that are considered for issuing sanctions. In all initial student conduct proceedings, the burden of proof shall rest with the University, and said burden of proof shall be by a preponderance of the information. Preponderance of the information is defined as the greater weight and degree of credible information admitted in the conference. A determination shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the accused student violated the Student Conduct Code.
  8. The accused student shall be informed of the outcome of the Student Conduct Conference in writing. Records of the outcome will be kept by the Dean of Students in a secure place. FERPA will be followed in regard to access to student conduct records.
  9. At the conclusion of the hearing, the student conduct committee's hearing officer will prepare in writing the findings and sanctions, as well as any recommendations in the Student Conduct Hearing Report Form. These findings and recommendations will be forwarded to the Dean of Students within 72 hours of the hearing's completion. This time limit may be extended in extenuating circumstances with the approval of the Dean of Students or Vice President of Student Affairs. If sanctions are imposed, a copy of the student conduct report shall be sent to the Dean of Students.
  10. Student conduct standards as outlined in the Student Handbook shall be administered by the Vice President for Student Affairs and/or designee. Violations of Residence Life or campus rules that are specified in the Residence Hall or University Housing Contracts will be within the jurisdiction of Residence Life and/or Campus Police.
  11. The focus of student conduct proceedings is to determine whether the University’s standards of conduct have been violated. To this end, student conduct proceedings attempt to balance an understanding and knowledge of the students’ needs with the needs of the University community.

  12. Individuals may bring a complaint against a student for alleged violations of the Student Conduct Code.  Any complaint should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place.  Such complaints may be submitted to the Student Life Office.

  13. An investigation may be initiated to determine if the complaint has merit.  Complaints may result in charges, a form of alternative dispute resolution, or dismissal of complaint. These decisions are made at the sole discretion of the University.

  14. All charges shall be presented to the accused student in written form. The accused student will be given at least one (1) University business days to prepare for a conference. In all student conduct proceedings, the accused student shall be presumed not responsible until it is proven that a violation of the University rules occurred by a preponderance of the information standard.



Conduct Hearings/Student Conduct Conference

The hearing is an official proceeding of the Piedmont University Student Discipline system. It is an informal hearing with the mission to determine:

1.       what occurred

2.       if what occurred is a violation of University regulations, and

3.       to impose an appropriate sanction if a violation has occurred.

The Hearing is not a Court of Law where allegations must be proven “beyond a reasonable doubt”. During the hearing, the allegations must be proven based upon “a preponderance of evidence.”  While all referred students are encouraged to participate in the hearing process, PU will adjudicate all cases and render a decision regardless of referred student participation. A notice of allegations will be sent to each student upon completion of the hearing process.

Hearings can be completed by Associate Director of Residence Life, Assistant Director of Residence Life, Dean of Students, Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Police or their designee. If it is academic in nature, the Academic Dean of that college or their designee could also be included. Typically, Associate and Assistant Directors of Residence Life will hold hearing conferences for first offenses and the Dean of students, et. All, will determine the best route for 2nd offenses or more serious acts of violence or federal and state law violations.

Students have the right to appeal the outcome of the decision to the Vice President for Student  Affairs. This appeal must be requested and submitted in writing within three calendar days of the date on the sanction adjudication letter.



Appeal Process

A student may appeal an assigned sanction when:

•        The student was not accorded their procedural rights as outlined in this Handbook;

•        New evidence that was unknown or unavailable at the time of the initial hearing has become available which would have significantly altered its results; or,

•        The sanction imposed is substantially disproportionate to the offense (including any consideration of the student’s prior offense(s)).

The appeal must be submitted in writing within three calendar days of the date on the sanction letter to the Dean of Students or Vice President of Student Life and Leadership.  



Student Conduct Violation Codes

The following code violations, while not all-inclusive list some of the behaviors that, if students choose to violate the codes, the student has chosen to be subject to possible arrest as well as student conduct action that can result in sanctions which includes but is not limited to probation, suspension, or expulsion from Piedmont University. All guidelines apply to university-sponsored events and activities, on or off campus.


Academic Dishonesty

Plagiarism, cheating, legitimate collaboration, or any other action that would injure, damage, or endanger any person or property or prevent the class from continuing is strictly prohibited.

Aiding and/or Inciting

Aiding, persuading, and/or procuring another person(s)to commit any act of misconduct in the college community or environment; persuading or aiding another person to breach the peace on university premises; gathering of groups of students on/ off of the premises in such a manner as to cause damage to public or private property or injury to persons, or interfering with the orderly functioning of the university or with the normal flow of traffic or ordinary procedures in not permitted. (See section entitled Disorderly Assembly)

Alcohol/Drugs/Other Substances/Intoxication/Underage Drinking

Possession, use, sale, gift, or other transfer of intoxicants in any form or manner on the University campus is strictly prohibited (see Piedmont Village exception). Any student present during the violation of this policy may also be subject to judicial action. Students under the age of 21 who have consumed alcohol or anyone who has used illegal drugs are in violation of state law and subject to arrest and/or sanctions.(See section entitled ALCOHOL and DRUGS)

Animals, including Pets

Piedmont University is responsible  for assuring the health and safety of all employees. In keeping with this objective, Piedmont University does not permit students to bring their household pets to campus. To request accommodations regarding the help of a service animal, please visit the office of Accommodations to complete the necessary steps.  Animals/pets are not permitted to be on university grounds, including athletic events and/or university sponsored events, or university owned facilities unless given permission by the Dean of Students or Vice President of Student Affairs. (See section entitled Pet Access). Service animals when accompanied by the owner are excluded from this prohibition. (See section entitled ESA and Service Animal)



Creating fires of any kind is not permitted or the use of fireworks. Approved university sponsored activities are excluded from this prohibition.


Intentionally or carelessly causing physical harm or endangering the health or safety of another person, including but not limited to simple and aggravated assaults, sexual assault or fighting.


Classroom and General Campus Violations

These violations may warrant fines and/or student conduct conference or conduct hearing that may result in sanctions that include but is not limited to suspension from class, facility, residence hall or the university.

  • Violating campus parking rules
  • Gambling (See section entitled GAMBLING)
  • Wearing inappropriate dress ttire as defined by the University Dress Code Policy
  • Violation of fitness center, cafeteria, Lion’s Den, Student Commons Gym rules
  • Excessive noise or loud music
  • Use of any tobacco products/electronic cigarettes/smokeless tobacco
  • Failure to have a valid college ID card while on university property or failure to present it to a college official when requested
  • Selling any unauthorized items
  • Propping open or using unauthorized exit doors in any building


Contempt of Student Conduct Hearing Notice

Failure to appear for a student conduct conference or student conduct hearing after receiving notification of a scheduled hearing or conference, willful disrespect of the student conduct standards and procedures, or failure to comply as sanctions imposed by student conduct hearing officer will subject the student to the possible forfeiture of due process rights, fine, probation, suspension, or expulsion.


Damage or Destruction of Property (Vandalism)

Abuse, damage, destruction, or defacing of college, state, federal, public, or private property. (See section entitled Damage to Property)


Disorderly Conduct

Any act that disrupts peace or interferes with normal operations of college activities. This behavior involves intentionally disrupting teaching, research, ceremonies, student conduct proceedings, or other activities, interfering with a student or university official's duties, or withholding critical information from an authorized university agent's investigation. Disrespecting others, such as instructors, administrators, housing staff, RAs, campus police/security, athletic personnel, university staff, faculty, and guests. (See section entitled DISORDERLY CONDUCT) 


Failure to Comply

Failure to follow the directives of college officials while performing their duties, or failure to identify oneself to college officials when questioned.


Forgery, Dishonesty, Fraudulent Acts and/or Misrepresentation

Forgery of names, signatures, and official documents. Forgery, deceptive conduct, misrepresentation, and/or dishonesty include, but are not limited to, altering or misusing university documents, records, student identification cards, and fraudulently issuing worthless checks to the university. Lying or knowingly providing false information to the university or university officials is not permitted.


Guest Behavior

Students are responsible for the behavior of guests they invite or enable to visit the school. If a guest is found in violation of the Code of Conduct while in the company of a student host or with their knowledge, charges will be issued against both the guest and the host student/student organization or club.


Harassment (Verbal and/or Physical and/or Sexual Harassment)

Excessive physical annoyance or verbal abuse on college grounds or during university-sponsored events. Verbal attacks, disparaging comments or statements, bullying, gang-like activity, discriminatory remarks, or any behavior that causes another member of the campus community to be fear or anxious are all prohibited. Any unwanted and uninvited sexual approaches, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual, or physical activity or communication having sexual connotations that the victim finds offensive. The university takes such acts very seriously and will not be tolerataed. Individuals who make false charges will face student conduct action.


Housing Violations

Violations may result in sanctions which include but are not limited to fines, suspension from the residence halls and possibly the university.

  1. Cooking with unapproved and prohibited items included but are not limited to:
    • Air Fryer**
    • Blenders larger than 24 fluid ounces
    • Coffee Pots (exception of Keurig style)
    • Crock pots/Instapots/Rice Cookers**
    • Electronic indoor griddles (waffle maker, panini press, etc.)*
    • Grills (charcoal, propane, gas)
    • Hotplates, electric cook tops, burners, etc.
    • Microwaves
    • Mini-Fridges
    • Toaster Ovens*
    • Toasters**
    • All Firearms, including but not limited to; real firearms, airsoft, paintball, bow and arrows, Splatter Guns etc.
    • Explosives
    • Fireworks
    • Knives with a blade length over 4 inches
    • Bug Zappers
    • Candles with used wicks
    • Dartboards
    • Drugs and Alcohol (including paraphernalia)
    • Home Devices such as, but not limited to; Alexa’s, Google Home, WiFi Routers, etc. (please contact IT with questions)
    • Halogen Lamps
    • Items with open flame
    • Items with open heat sources (please contact Residential Living with questions)
    • Personal / Window HVAC Units
    • Tattoo Guns

    Items marked with an asterisk (*) are approved for residents living in Ipswich Hall. For a list of more approved cooking appliances in Ipswich Hall, see the Permitted Items: Village section below.

    Items marked with two asterisks (**) are approved for residents in Mystic Hall and Ipswich Hall with specific use requirements for Mystic Hall, as these items are permitted to be used in the Lounge spaces provided on each floor only. 

    It is important to note that this is not an all-inclusive list of prohibited items. Students who are unsure if an item is prohibited should contact the Office of Residential Living at to learn if the item is approved or prohibited. 

  2. Violating Quiet and Courtesy Hours
  3. Defacing property by hanging or exhibiting unauthorized things from windows or any other location outside the residence hall, or by attaching any unauthorized TV cable or outside
  4. Contributing to unsanitary, unclean, or unsafe conditions in rooms, bathrooms or common spaces in residence halls
  5. Displaying of alcohol or drug containers, paraphernalia or posters
  6. Having unauthorized minor children in campus residence halls
  7. Unauthorized pets in the residence halls
  8. Obstructing or propping open doors
  9. Using unauthorized exit doors in any residence hall building, room or suite
  10. Alcohol or drug possession in the residence halls
  11. Failure to comply/evacuate during a fire or tornado drill
  12. Removal of smoke detectors
  13. Using emergency doors in non-emergency situation
  14. Having guest beyond scheduled visiting hours, having unregistered guests


Safety Code Violations

Any behavior that endangers the safety or property of the university community. False fire or bomb alerts of any kind, theft, removal or tampering with security cameras, fire extinguishers, safety equipment, exit signs, smoke alarms and detectors, fire hoses, and sprinkler systems. Failure to follow evacuation instructions or obstructing the evacuation of a building during a fire, fire drill, or any other form of emergency is a violation of college fire safety or standard safety requirements.



Unauthorized selling, money collection, and marketing of unapproved events/sales by print or electronic notification on campus within university buildings or university property is prohibited unless the Dean of Students grants permission. Students may not serve as soliciting agents for businesses. (See section entitled SOLICITATION)


Theft and Failure to pay fees

The unauthorized use, taking, or withholding of anything valuable from another person, school organization, or department. Failure to pay fees, deferred fees, traffic penalties, library penalties, bookstore charges, housing costs, or other financial responsibilities to the College will result in an administrative hold on the student's record initiated by the appropriate department. Students who provide bad checks or a debit/credit card with inadequate money will be subject to record holds, collection agencies, and/or student conduct action.


Threatening and or Unsafe Behavior

Students' conduct or behavior that endangers their health or safety or those of others. This conduct behavior includes, but is not limited to, threats made orally or through the writing of text messages, the use of social media sites with the intent to injure or harm oneself or others, the playing of practical jokes, abductions, kidnappings, or any other behavior that may endanger members of the campus community.


Trespassing and/or Unauthorized Use/Entry of College Facilities and/or Property

Unauthorized use of college property, admission into a facility, or staying in a room or office after being directed to leave are prohibited. This may include unauthorized use of college computers, accounts, and networks, as well as tampering with equipment or vehicles.


Violation of University Policies

Violation of university policies, code of conduct, student organization, facility rules and regulations


Violations of Law

See section entitled VIOLATION OF OUTSIDE LAW



The use, possession, or display of weapons, knives, firearms, or explosives on the premises of the university. (See section entitled WEAPONS and see section entitled EXPLOSIVES)


Sexual Misconduct

The College prohibits all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct is a broad phrase that refers to any non-consensual sexual action that is conducted by force or intimidation, or that is otherwise inappropriate.
Sexual misconduct can encompass actions like sexual assault, rape, harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and any other non-consensual behavior with the intent or effect of threatening, intimating, or coercing another person or people. For more information on the university's Title IX policy located on the university website.

Sanctions and Penalties

University Sanctions: Any member of the Piedmont University faculty, staff, or student body who violates the Code of Conduct shall be subject to corrective disciplinary actions and penalties up to and including expulsion from university academic programs, termination of employment, and referral to the appropriate state, federal, or local authorities for prosecution in the courts.

State, Federal, and Local Sanctions: In addition, depending on the nature of the crime, persons convicted of violating federal and state laws prohibiting the unlawful use, possession and distribution of illegal alcohol or drugs may face sanctions such as heavy fines; incarceration for various periods of time, including life; forfeiture of assets; and suspension or loss of drivers, business, or professional licenses.


The following are possible disciplinary actions which may be assigned for an infraction of the Code of Conduct. This list is not exhaustive and may modified to meet the particular circumstances of any given case.

Community Service- A specified number of hours of work to be performed by the student to give back time taken away by the action of the party involved in the violation. Assignments of Community Service hours will be emailed following sanctioning. They may include: student Life and Leadership/Housing/Student Success Center, Maintenance/Daniel Hall or off campus entities pre-approved by the Dean of Students or Vice President of Student Affairs.


Counseling-Students may be required to receive counseling by a Piedmont University counselor, local provider, or community support group depending on the circumstances of the violation. They may request that the student meet a specified number of sessions for issues including, but not limited to, anger management, substance abuse, and personal circumstances.

Citation-Written documentation for violation of a state or federal law

Disciplinary Suspension- Temporary severance of the student's relationship with the University for a specified period of time.

Drug Testing-Random summons to look for the presence of one or more illegal or prescription drugs

Drug Testing Consequences-The threshold for THC/Cannabinoids (regardless of source marijuana or CBD supplements) as 150 ng/ml.  Therefore, Piedmont University has established the following departmental guidelines for those who are tested. Any traceable amount of THC in their system under 150 ng/ml will be treated as a first offense sanction. For those that have 150 ng/ml will be treated as a second offense level or above sanction. Failure to submit a drug test will be considered a positive test and may also be subject to additional athletic sanctions. 


Disciplinary Probation-A student might be given a period of time where if further violations occur there could be additional and more serious sanctions. Violations pertaining to conduct regulations while on probation may result in severe disciplinary sanctions, to include suspension or expulsion from the institution. Notice to the student that any further, major disciplinary violation may result in suspension. Disciplinary probation might also include one or more of the following: the setting of restrictions, the issuing of a reprimand, or restitution.

Education Assignment-Assignment given to help educate and prevent continued behavior. These can be in the form of written, practical, workshop, training, or online.


Expulsion- Permanent severance of the student's relationship with the University. This severance includes being barred from campus.


Fines- A specific financial penalty charged to the student responsible. Students may be fined for damages or tampering with university property depending on the severity of the violation.

Health and Safety Check-Randomized entry into a space to identify any potential hazards or safety violations in the campus owned space.

Immediate Suspension- The student may be required to leave the campus immediately if, in the opinion of the Vice President of Student Life and Leadership, the student's presence on campus would be detrimental to the institution. Suspension without a hearing shall continue until the disciplinary process is completed. Best efforts will be made to schedule and complete the disciplinary process as promptly as possible.

Limited Suspension- A student may be denied certain privileges for a specified period of time. These privileges may include, but are not limited to, class attendance, housing, parking on campus, participation in extracurricular activities, ID card privileges, access to institutional facilities, and access to the campus.

Pets-Piedmont University is responsible  for assuring the health and safety of all employees. In keeping with this objective, Piedmont University does not permit students to bring their household pets to campus. To request accommodations regarding the help of a service animal, please visit the office of Accommodations to complete the necessary steps.

Reprimand-(either written or verbal)An official written or verbal notification that a student’s behavior is in violation of university regulations or standards and clarifies expected behavior in the future. Behavior will warrant consequences if repeated.


Restitution- Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. This may take the form of appropriate service, apology, or other compensation.

Room Entry and Searches-The university reserves the right and the students as part of their housing agreement, agree to allow the University to enter student rooms for the purpose of:

  • Health and safety inspections
  • Enforcing University policies as outlined in the student handbook, code of conduct and residence life housing contract
  • Facility improvements and routine maintenance.
  • Managing rooms in the event of an epidemic or emergency that jeopardizes the well-being of the occupant or other students.
  • Maintaining a quiet environment where residents may sleep and study
  • Unscheduled/reasonable suspicion room inspections to ensure policies in the student handbook and housing contract are being followed

Room Change – Requirement to vacate a residence hall or assigned space for violation of residence hall policies and/or other institutional policies. Student are not allowed to visit any residence hall or be in the vicinity of a hall when assigned this sanction.

Sanctions Chart

The following are the recommended sanctions for each conduct violation within the Student Code of Conduct. Note that depending on the situation additional sanctions can be implemented in addition to those listed below and is to only be used as a guide of possible sanctions.


1st Offense

2nd Offense

3rd Offense


Alcohol Possession/ Use

Community service (min.5 hrs.), Alcohol education course

Disciplinary Probation, Counseling, community service, BASICS Course ($150)


Loss of housing privileges, Police Citation

Underage Alcohol Possession/Use

Police Citation, Alcohol education course, community service hours

Disciplinary Probation (min. 1 semester), Counseling, community service hours, BASICS Course ($150), Police Citation


Suspension from housing one or more semesters, Possible Expulsion, Police citation


Drug Possession less than 1 ounce:

Written Reprimand, educational sanction; community service hours (min.5hrs.), Athletics notified if applicable

Disciplinary Probation (min. 1 semester), Random drug testing, Random Health and Safety checks; Athletics notified if applicable

Suspension from Housing one ore more semesters, Possible expulsion, Citation, Athletics notified if applicable

Drug Possession/ Use: Marijuana

Written Reprimand, educational sanction; community service hours (min. 5hrs.), Athletics Notified if applicable

Disciplinary Probation (min. 1 semester), Random drug testing, Random Health and Safety checks; $250 fine Athletics Notified if applicable

Suspension from housing one or more semesters, Possible Expulsion, citation; Athletics Notified if applicable

Drug Possession/ Use: Other drugs

Written Reprimand, educational sanction, community services hours (min.5 hrs.); Athletics Notified if applicable

Disciplinary Probation (min. 1 semester), drug testing, Random Health and Safety checks; $250 fine: Athletics notified if applicable

Suspension from Housing one ore more semesters, Possible expulsion, Citation, Athletics notified if applicable

Drug Paraphernalia Possession/ Use

Educational Sanction, counseling, Athletics Notified if applicable

Disciplinary Probation (min. 1 semester), Random drug testing, Random Health and Safety Checks

Suspension from Housing one or more semesters, Possible expulsion, Criminal Trespass Citation

Intent to distribute: Marijuana



Intent to distribute: Other drugs



Tampering with Fire Safety Equipment

$500 fine and fire safety course

Disciplinary Probation, Community Service, $1,000 fine

Suspension from Housing one or more semesters, Possible expulsion, Citation, fine

Fire Safety (not exiting a building, ?)

$100 fine

$150 fine, Community Service, First safety Training

Suspension from Housing one or more semesters


$150 fine

Community Service, Disciplinary Probation

Suspension, Possible Expulsion

Damage to Property

Fines vary



Disorderly Conduct

Written Reprimand, Educational Sanction

$250 Fine, Disciplinary Probation

Suspension, Possible expulsion


Suspension, Possible Expulsion

Indefinitely excluded from campus


Hate Crime




















Violating Campus Motor Vehicles

Fines vary

Fines vary

Parking privileges redacted


Written Reprimand, Educational Sanction

Fine, Counseling Intake

Disciplinary Probation