Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

BUSA 4950 Business Analytics Practicum

This course is the practicum for the Business Analytics concentration. The course offers students the opportunity to apply the concepts and tools that they have learned in their courses to an issue of interest to them. With instructor approval and guidance, a student shall select a business analytics topic for applied research.  As this is an individual student project, each student is responsible for designing and executing their respective research project, writing up the findings, and presenting the findings. Students in this course would be formally assessed on ethics, critical thinking, written communications and oral communications.




BUSA 3500 and final semester for Business Analytics students

Typically Offered

Athens Campus: not offered — Demorest Campus: fall day

Student Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.    Demonstrate understanding of the processes for collecting, organizing and preparing data from multiple sources for analysis in a business analytics project. 

2.    Understand how to apply appropriate statistical tools to describe the data and the relationships among the variables and to prepare appropriate graphs, charts, and other means of visual display.  This includes demonstrating the ability to test hypotheses about the data and the relationships among the variables.

3.    Demonstrate the ability to formulate statistically acceptable models of the data and its relationships in order to identify trends and patterns under both historical and projected scenarios.

4.    Demonstrate critical and analytical thinking skills to solving real-world business problems by developing and communicate actionable insights from the historical analysis and predictive model building results in both visual and written form.

5.    Demonstrate understanding of the relationship of data analysis to corporate and business level strategy and decision-making.