Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

BUSA 3950 Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing

When a potential customer is looking for a product, how do they find the right one? Often times, they’ll ask Google or other search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) help companies become more visible to customers by ensuring that they are among the first companies someone sees when doing initial research. This course is intended to introduce students to the concepts of Social Media Marketing and Optimization, and teach them how to use these tools to drive top-of-funnel growth, also known as lead generation.



Student Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how to boost page rank using copy and additional landing pages
  • Craft effective paid search advertisements
  • Identify the most effective keywords to advertise on
  • Measure the success of SEO and SEM efforts
  • Understand how SEO and SEM fit into the context of a broader digital marketing strategy.
  • Become familiar with the SEMRush tool