Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

EDSE 6660 Advanced Studies in Secondary Instruction

Advanced Certification candidates will examine their own teaching practices in reference to current research on student learning and pedagogy. Based on this assessment, each candidate will develop a Professional Development Plan and Growth Portfolio as a guide for studies in the Master's plan and beyond.




*Candidates begin and maintain a mandatory program portfolio. Must be taken the 1st semester it is available.

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)

Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. Be reflective about his/her own teaching and make suggestions for improvement, based on exploring and testing a variety of teaching models and instructional, management, and assessment strategies for their effect on student learning. Analyze the philosophical foundations underlying these models and strategies in pedagogical research/theory and content domain knowledge.
    1. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s Core Candidate Learning Outcomes (CCLO) 1 – 9 and Secondary Education Candidate Learning Outcomes (SECMLO) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8. It is aimed at meeting INTASC standards 1, 5, 6, 9 and TKES standard 9.
  2. Gather and analyze classroom data on own teaching & students’ learning to demonstrate that she/he is an effective teacher, competent in:
    1. in-depth content knowledge,
    2. content specific pedagogy, with a variety of methods to support diverse learners,
    3. development of classroom environment that supports individual and group learning.
    4. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s CCLO 1 – 8 and SECMLO 2. It is aimed at meeting INTASC standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and TKES standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.
  3. Articulate insights in personal perspectives regarding his or her philosophy of pedagogy, Envision the ultimate goal of students well educated in your content area, and how this personal pedagogy works to take your students from where they start to that goal of well-educated students.
    1. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s CCLO 2 and 9 and SECMLO 2, 3, and 5. It is aimed at meeting INTASC standards 1, 2, 7, 9 and TKES standard 1.
  4. Work together to create and participate in a professional learning community at the local, national, and college levels.
    1. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s CCLO 10, and SECMLO 3, 6, 7, and 8. It is aimed at meeting INTASC standards 9, 10 and TKES standard 10.