Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

Walker School of Business

Dr. J. Kerry Waller, Dean

Dr. Jeff Bruns, Associate Dean

Professor Margaret Ryder, Associate Dean


Mission Statement

The Walker School of Business prepares engaged learners for successful careers. This is accomplished by offering undergraduate and graduate business programs of distinction, delivered by a talented and caring faculty, with an emphasis on academic rigor, ethical integrity, individual attention, and performance excellence.

Core Values

The faculty and staff of the Walker School of Business believe in the value of intellectual curiosity, the importance of critical thinking and in a sustained commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship and service, initially driven by Piedmont College’s first QEP. We will strive to foster ever-improving learning through engagement in learning activities. Through engagement in original research, both independently and with our students, we will build a culture of discovery that will enhance the delivery of a relevant, timely curriculum consistent with Piedmont College’s current QEP. By continuing to partner with local organizations we will allow our students to apply and enhance the skills they have acquired and to develop an appreciation for community development.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)

The Walker School of Business received national accreditation in November 2007 and is currently reaccredited through 2029 from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) for both the undergraduate and graduate business programs. ACBSP’s mission is to establish, promote, and recognize educational practices that contribute to the continuous quality improvement of business education programs, teaching of business courses, and student learning outcomes in colleges and universities throughout the United States and abroad.

Graduate Faculty


Professor - Bruns, Carlson, Sullivan, Waller
Professor Emeritus - Sherrer, Taylor
Associate Professor - McWhite, Ryder, Warnock
Senior Fellow - Maughon
Fellow - Moery


Course Descriptions