Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

MCOM 3002 Yearbook Practicum

Students enrolled in this practicum will serve as an editor for one section of the Yonahian yearbook. Requirements include: Attending all weekly Student Leadership Council and biweekly Yonahian staff meetings; Maintaining a repository on eDesign of any work produced over the course of the semester; Meeting all deadlines as established by the yearbook editor and advisor; Writing a 2-3 page reflection based on experiences at the end of the semester that analyzes strengths and weaknesses as a manager/editor.

Registration Name

Yearbook Practicum

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours




Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Enhance research, reporting, writing, fact checking, editing, layout and design techniques.
  2. Develop a clip file.
  3. Gain journalism experience.
  4. Assess and analyze managerial and organizational strengths and weaknesses and develop ways to utilize improved techniques in your academic and professional responsibilities.