Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

7.18 10-month Employee Annual Leave

  1. Definition and Eligibility

    10-Month employees work a flexible schedule over the course of a 12-month academic year period. The academic year at Piedmont University is August 1st through July 31st. To accommodate this flexible schedule, 10-month employees are granted 344 hours of annual leave each academic year. Eligible employees must take the total annual leave allowance during each academic year.

  2. Procedures

Accrual and Availability

Human Resources will apply 344 hours of annual leave to each eligible employee at the beginning of each academic year.

Use and Scheduling

  1. Eligible employees will schedule time off through self-service.
  2. Immediate supervisors will approve or deny requested leave in self-service.

Payout upon Termination/Separation

  1. 10-month employees who separate employment during the fall semester of the academic year will be paid for the unused balance up to ½ of the total annual leave granted.
  2. 10-month employees who separate employment during the spring semester of the academic year will be paid for the unused balance up to ¾ of the total annual leave granted.
  3. 10-month employees who separate employment after May 31st will be paid for the total remaining balance of the total annual leave granted.