Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

CMSD 5111 Motor Speech Disorders

This graduate course includes current theory and practice in the prevention, identification, assessment, and remediation of neuromotor disorders in children and adults. This course includes concepts and clinical procedures related to the remediation of neurogenic speech disorders across the lifespan. This course includes cultural differences, intervention environments, and reimbursement as related to progress monitoring.

Registration Name

Motor Speech Disorders

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Demorest: Fall, Athens: Fall 1 time per academic year

Student Learning Outcomes

Student learning outcomes and associated CAA-ASHA standards:

  1. Students will implement working comprehension of normal neuromotor system function associated with speech production. (IV-B)
  2. Students will compare common childhood motor speech disorders (e.g., dysarthrias associated with cerebral palsy, developmental apraxia of speech) in terms of etiology, symptomology, and effects on speech production. (IV-C)
  3. Students will compare and contrast the etiology, symptomology, and effects on speech production of common adult non-progressive (stroke based) motor speech disorders. (IV-C)
  4. Students will compare and contrast motor speech disorders which may exist in progressive neurological disorders (e.g., amyotropic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease) in terms of their etiology, symptomology, and effects on speech production. (IV-C)
  5. Students will exhibit proficiency in differential diagnostic procedures utilized for both adult and for childhood neuromotor speech disorders. (IV-D)
  6. Students will conduct a thorough clinical evaluation of speech production in persons exhibiting neurogenic motor speech disorders, including assessment of respiratory, laryngeal, velopharyngeal, and articulatory function as well as suprasegmentals (e.g., rate, prosody, intonation). (IV-D)
  7. Students will implement effective intervention strategies for children and adults exhibiting neurogenic motor speech disorders. (IV-D)
  8. Students will implement knowledge of treatment plan taking clinical environment and cultural differences into consideration. (IV-D)
  9. Students will describe research and evidenced-based practice as it relates to motor speech disorders and analyze, synthesize and evaluate research for integration into evidence-based clinical practice. (IV-D & F)
  10. Students will recognize current contemporary research and professional issues in the management of motor speech disorders. (IV-F)
  11. Students will demonstrate ethical conduct regarding assessment and invention for management of adults with motor speech disorders. (IV-E).
  12. Students will outline principles of IPP approaches for adults with dysphagia (IV-D; V-B)