Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

CMSD 5109 Aphasia

This graduate course includes causes, diagnosis, progression, outcomes and treatments of aphasia due to a central nervous system injury or disease. Neurology of language, diagnostic process and evidence-based treatment protocols will be addressed. Family involvement, cultural considerations, working with medical professionals, and clinical documentation will be integrated throughout the course.

Registration Name


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Demorest: Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

Student learning outcomes and associated CAA-ASHA standards:

  1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the nature of aphasia and related disorders, including etiologies, characteristics, and anatomical and cultural correlates. (IV-C)
  2. Students will differentiate between normal aging processes and aohasia (IV-B).
  3. Students will discuss the advantages and pitfalls of classification systems used in aphasia (IV-C)
  4. Students will describe the deficit patterns in each modality that coincide with aphasia. (IV-C)
  5. Students will explain prognostic factors that contribute to recovery and the psychosocial impact of aphasia on life. (IV-C)
  6. Students will review and report the cultural considerations for bilingual and multilingual individuals with aphasia. (IV-C)
  7. Students will describe competing theoretical positions on assessment and treatment in aphasia. (IV-D)
  8. Students will observe assessment and intervention session of people with aphasia and outline clinical techniques. (IV-D)
  9. Students will differentiate between process oriented and social models of assessment and intervention. (IV-D)
  10. Students will analysis no-tech and low-tech AAC options in therapy. (IV-D)
  11. Students will describe research and evidenced-based practice as it relates to aphasia and analyze, synthesize and evaluate research for integration into evidence-based clinical practice. (IV-D & F)
  12. Students will outline principles of patient and family-centered practice approaches for adults with aphasia (IV-D; V-B)
  13. Students will recognize current contemporary research and professional issues in the management of aphasia. (IV-F)
  14. Students will demonstrate ethical conduct regarding assessment and invention for management of adults with aphasia. (IV-E).