Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

EDUC 7701 Critical Analysis of Current Trends and Issues in Education

This course will address trends and issues that impact the educational establishment. Candidates will explore, analyze, and question the current trends and issues that primarily impact schools today. They will reconsider and synthesize old and new knowledge, which will assist them in becoming scholarly, reflective, and proactive educators. (Pre-service certificate is not required. Field experience required.)

Registration Name

Crit Anal Curr Trends & Issues

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours






Student Learning Outcomes

What is the impact of the major trends and critical issues of the educational profession on teaching and learning in the classroom? Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Identify and analyze major issues and trends related to schools and the education process, including those related to the candidates in this class;
  2. Identify knowledgeable professionals in the field and explore, question, and synthesize old and new knowledge of current educational trends and issues;
  3. State a position on an educational issue or trend in writing and / orally and defend that position in a factual and logical manner, using current research;
  4. Critically analyze the reports of the media and professional journals, including the policies and actions from the local, state and federal levels;
  5. Make valid conclusions relative to the future of the schools;
  6. Analyze the issues and trends related to the A+ Education Reform Act of 2000.
  7. Provide scholarly information to inform others of current trends and issues.