Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Julia Behr, Dean

Dr. Abbey Dondanville, Associate Dean for Health Sciences

Dr. Jaime Johnson-Huff, Associate Dean for Nursing


College of Nursing and Health Sciences Mission Statement

In accordance with the mission of Piedmont University, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CONHS) is committed to providing the graduate with the foundations to integrate knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences through the development of a reciprocal learning community. The health professional will provide or accommodate quality care with respect for the diversity of individuals, groups and communities. The health professional, through engagement, personal growth, and ethical reasoning, will be a responsible global citizen who is a leader upholding high standards, while working collaboratively through the interprofessional team.


Professors Behr, Dondanville, Harn, and Johnson-Huff

Associate Professors Carlan, Castleberry, Kelley, McKinney, and Ryan
Assistant Professors Darby, Kaiser, Reynolds, and Tina Smith