Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

EDUC 6690 Classroom Management

A study and exploration of a variety of classroom management strategies and styles. Leadership styles, crisis control, appropriate rewards and consequences, student and teacher rights and inter-relationships, group dynamics, coping with students with disabilities, and communication between administration-teacher-parent-student are reviewed. Classroom policies and procedures for managing the daily routines are examined. (Pre-service certificate is required. Field experience required.)

Registration Name

Classroom Management

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Fall, Spring, and Summer

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will:

  1. Identify ways in which to organize a classroom;
  2. Identify ways in which to organize supplies required for learning activities;
  3. Develop appropriate classroom rules and procedures for meeting the diverse needs of students;
  4. Recognize and implement methods for managing student work;
  5. Create an appropriate plan for the first day of school;
  6. Use effective communication techniques to manage the classroom;
  7. Identify effective strategies for maintaining appropriate behavior;
  8. Develop methods for managing problem behaviors; and
  9. Develop strategies for managing the classroom when utilizing different instructional methods.