Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

EDUC 6622 Health and Physical Education in the Classroom

A survey of health, physical education, and safety activities, methods, and materials appropriate for early childhood students in the classroom and on the playground. Information will be provided for developing, organizing, planning, and implementing a developmental early childhood physical education program. Indoor classroom activities are presented to reinforce skills learned in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and other areas. Through directed field-based experiences and through classroom experiences, the candidate will learn to become an effective proactive teacher who is comfortable and proficient in teaching aspects of health, physical education, and safety. (Field experience required.)

Registration Name

Health & PE in the Classroom

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours






Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate the knowledge of:

  1. concepts underlying the relationship between physical activity and the growing child. ECCLO 12 InTASC 1
    1. State the relationship between physical education and intellectual development.
    2. Describe the guidelines for exercising children safely.
  2. concepts underlying the legal liability and proper care of students. ECCLO12, InTASC 3, 4, 5
    1. Explain the responsibility of the teacher and the school in taking proper care of students.
    2. Identify the basic safety procedures and concern for the physical education program. GACE 22.6
  3. concepts underlying movement. ECCLO 11, 12 InTASC 5 GACE D GACE 23.2
    1. Describe the methodology used in teaching education movement themes.
    2. Define specific terminology related to educational movement such as space, body awareness, time, force, contrasting terms, flow, balance, personal space, divergent movement.
    3. Develop activities that will allow children to explore and discover different ways to move.
  4. concepts underlying motor skills. ECCLO 12 InTASC 1, 5, 7, 8 GACE D, E GACE 23.1
    1. List and describe the fundamental motor skills.
    2. List and describe the locomotor skills.
    3. List and describe the manipulative skills.
  5. concepts underlying health-related fitness and skill-related fitness. ECCLO 12 InTASC 5, 7, 8GACE D, E GACE 23.1
    1. List and describe the components of health-related physical fitness
    2. List and describe the components of skill-related fitness
  6. developing a developmentally appropriate physical education program accommodating a diverse group of individuals based on current research, i.e., student’s with/without special needs. ECCLO 11 - 14 InTASC 1, 2, 7 GACE D, E GACE 23.3
  7. discussing multicultural education in regards to developing physical education activities designed to understand the similarities and differences between cultures. ECCLO 12 InTASC 2
  8. developing various activities that will integrate subjects such as language arts, math, social studies with physical education using the Georgia Performance Standards and Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. ECCLO 11,13 InTASC 1, 3, 7 GACE D, E
  9. identifying and creating some type of home-made equipment needed to implement a quality physical education program (suitable for use in a game, dance or activity) for inside or outside the classroom ECCLO 11 InTASC 5, 7, 8
  10. teaching a 10 minute lesson from concepts and strategies learned in this class by using the home-made equipment. ECCLO 9-10 InTASC 4, 7 GACE D, E
  11. developing and implementing health and physical education lesson plans for the field- based experience at their local elementary school. InTASC 1, 7
  12. finding and implementing information about physical education and health on the Internet. ECCLO 12, 13 GACE 22.2 InTASC 4, 5, 7, 8, 10
  13. concepts associated with child abuse and neglect ECCLO 12 InTASC 4, 5, GACE A, B, C
    1. Describe sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.
  14. concepts associated with substance abuse ECCLO 12 InTASC Standard 4, 5 GACE A, B, C GACE 22.5
    1. Describe the effects of drugs on the body
  15. describe the value of proper nutrition, personal health, and safety. ECCLO 11 InTASC 4, 5 GACE A, B, C GACE 22.4 GACE 22.6
  16. explore, analyze, and implement in the lessons the Georgia Performance Standards. ECCLO 13, 14 InTASC 1, 3, 4, 5
  17. analyze and implement guidelines from the national content standards for physical education from the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. ECCLO 12, 13 InTASC 1, 4, 5, 7 GACE D, E GACE 23.1-23.4
  18. explore and analyze the National Health Education Standards. ECCLO 13 InTASC 4, 5 GACE A, B, C