Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

BUSA 3130 Financial Institutions and Markets

With an overview of the importance of financial markets and the role of government in these markets, students will examine the fundamentals of markets in asset value, interest rates, risk, asymmetric information issues, and regulations. The course also examines the importance of institutions such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, and several financial markets including banking, mutual funds, insurance, currency exchange, and investment firms.

Registration Name

Financial Institutions Market

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





BUSA 2210


Demorest: Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate command of the vocabulary used in the financial sector.
  • Understand the role of the various actors and institutions that comprise the financial sector. 
  • Discuss the role of markets in a functioning economy and their relationship to financial activity and crises.
  • Describe how the concepts of moral hazard and agency problems can be used to predict the behavior of institutions and individuals in the face of government regulations
  • Demonstrate understanding how the various financial instruments available in the market are valued and the causes of fluctuations in those instruments’ valuations.