Student Handbook 2024-2025

Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking

Piedmont University does not tolerate interpersonal violence, which includes sexual assault, prohibited sexual contact, stalking, dating violence and domestic violence in any form. Because of the sensitive, complex, and serious nature of these issues, and because the personal wellbeing of the victim should be the foremost concern, Piedmont University’s policy on sexual crimes strictly complies with and exceeds federal policy regulations. 

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault is actual or attempted contact with another person without that person's consent.  Sexual Assault includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Intentional touching of another person's intimate parts without that person's consent; or
  • Other intentional sexual contact with another person without that person's consent; or
  • Coercing, forcing, or attempting to coerce or force a person to touch another person's intimate parts without that person's consent; or
  • Rape, which is penetration, no matter how slight, of (1) the vagina, or anus of a person by any body part of another person or by an object, or (2) the mouth of a person by a sex organ of another person, without that person's consent. 

This includes acts committed by force, threat, intimidation, or by use of the victim’s mental or physical incapacity or impairment of which the accused was aware or should have been aware. Threats of death or use of a weapon increases the severity of legal charges. Sex crimes can be prosecuted even if the victim knew the attacker, the victim did not fight back, the victim had consensual sex with the attacker previously, or the victim was intoxicated or unconscious.


Educating Students and Staff about Sex Offenses

Piedmont University is committed to providing the safest environment possible for study and work. Part of that commitment includes educating current and prospective students and employees about campus safety. Sexual assault and prevention educational opportunities provided for students focus wholly or in part on rape awareness and prevention. The Director of Residential Living oversees peer educators who provide information on healthy and unhealthy relationships, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. Peer educators are also knowledgeable about campus and community resources. Educational programs will be provided to promote awareness of the various aspects of sexual assault.

Actions to take if sexually assaulted

Seek medical attention immediately. It is important to preserve evidence, so don’t shower, change clothes or disturb the scene of the attack. Go to the emergency room of a hospital and ask a friend to go along if possible. Hospital personnel will treat the physical consequences of assault, such as injury, infection, disease and pregnancy. They can collect evidence that will be needed if the crime is reported. They are required to contact local law enforcement agencies. A victim who reports a sexual assault has the option to notify the local law enforcement and, at the victim’s request, a Piedmont staff member will assist in making the proper notification. Campus staff responsible for assistance include the Dean of Student Life and Leadership, Associate Vice President of Student Success, Assistant to the Vice President of the Athens Campus, Campus Police, Campus Minister, Counseling Services, Director of Residential Living or Residence Hall Directors or Coordinators. If the assault occurs on campus and 911 is called, emergency personnel will send medical assistance and notify Campus Police.

The college encourages all victims of sexual assault to report it promptly to the Campus Police or the appropriate police agency for the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. Depending on the location of the assault, the victim may be referred back to Piedmont University Campus Police to report the crime and have the crime investigated. Acts in violation of federal, state, and local law are within the jurisdiction of the campus judicial system when committed on campus property. When committed off campus property, they may fall within the jurisdiction of the campus judicial system when they constitute a direct or indirect threat to the University community or its members. If the matter is adjudicated on campus the matter will be handled administratively.

Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault, Stalking, Dating Violence and/or Domestic Violence

If you do not wish to make a report to the police, you are still encouraged to seek professional medical advice. Additional assistance is available through the following:

Demorest - On Campus Confidential Reporting

  • Sean Williamson, Director of Counseling Services 706-778-8500 ext.1295
  • Counseling Services 706-778-8500 ext. 1295


  • Piedmont University Counseling Services 706-778-3000 ext. 1295
  • Rape Response (24/7 crisis hotline) 770-503-7273
  • Circle of Hope Domestic Violence Services (24-hour local hotline) 706-776-4673
  • 988 – Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (Call or Text, Chat at

Athens - Confidential On Campus Reporting

  • Sean Williamson, Director of Counseling Services 706-778-8500 ext.2821


  • Piedmont University Counseling Services 706-778-8500 ext. 1295
  • Advantage Behavioral Health Rape Response Line 706-353-1912
  • The Cottage, Crisis Hotline 1-877-363-1912

NOTE: Reporting an incident is a separate step from choosing to prosecute. When you file a report, you are NOT obligated to continue with legal proceedings or college disciplinary action. Remember, you can choose whether or not to participate in proceedings at any point. Appropriate legal, disciplinary or remedial actions may be taken against any persons or groups alleged to have or found to be responsible for engaging in crimes of interpersonal violence to include rape, acquaintance rape or other forcible or non-forcible sex offenses. In addition to arrest, students may have Student Conduct charges brought against them. University employees, visitors and/or vendors may be subject to arrest, suspension and/or termination of college employment and/or termination of contracts/agreements.

After Reporting a Sexual Assault

Piedmont University provides support for victims of sexual assault and will protect the confidentiality of the victim, including protecting the victim’s identifying information to the extent permissible by law when creating publicly-available record keeping. If the victim is a student, the college will change a victim’s academic schedule and on–campus living and working situations if changes are requested, appropriate to the situation and if reasonably available. Whether or not legal charges are filed, students accused of sexual abuse or assaults are subject to disciplinary actions from the college as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and the college Title IX Policy. Sanctions the college may impose following a final determination of a disciplinary proceeding regarding sexual assault, acquaintance rape or other forcible or non-forcible sex offense include college disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion or other sanctions.

Investigation Proceedings and Possible Sanctions

Piedmont University will aid in providing prompt, fair, and impartial investigation and resolution in cases of alleged domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking. The proceedings will be conducted by officials who receive annual training on these crimes and how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability. Not all forms of sex-based misconduct will be deemed to be equally serious offenses, and the college reserves the right to impose different sanctions depending on the severity of the offense and/or offender history.

Any student found responsible for violating this Policy may receive any of the following sanctions:

  • Community Service to Piedmont University, Habersham or Athens/Clark County community;
  • Discretionary Sanction-requires work assignments, written assignments, service to Piedmont University or other related discretionary assignments;
  • Educational Sanctions-includes but is not limited to the completion of an educational assignment (e.g., research paper, program presentation, etc.)
  • Fines
  • Formal written warning
  • Loss of privileges (e.g., inability to have visitors/guests, etc.)
  • Probation
  • Residence hall expulsion
  • Residence hall suspension
  • Restitution
  • Revocation of admission and/or degree
  • University expulsion
  • University suspension
  • Withholding degree
  • Anger intervention assessment
  • No contact (direct or indirect) with the victim
  • Banishment from all Piedmont University property, functions, etc.
  • Substance abuse assessment
  • Parental notification
  • Training on sex-based misconduct.

Both the alleged victim and the accused are entitled to have others present during the University’s disciplinary proceedings, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of their choice and both the accuser and the accused will be simultaneously informed in writing of:

  1. The outcome of any University disciplinary proceeding that arises from an allegation of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault of stalking;
  2. The institution’s procedures for the accused and the victim to appeal the results of the University’s disciplinary proceeding;
  3. Of any change to the results that occur prior to the time that such results become final; and
  4. When such results become final.