Student Handbook 2024-2025

Procedures Review, Instruction and Maintaining Plan

  1. Emergency Procedures Review: Annually, Piedmont University will conduct a review of the total Emergency Procedures and update it as necessary.
  2. Emergency Procedures Instruction: During the fall of each academic year Piedmont University will disseminate to each faculty and staff member information reflecting changes to the University Emergency Procedures Plan.
  3. Emergency Procedures Practice: Practice drills or training will be conducted once a year. All University emergency personnel and occupants of the affected building(s) are to participate fully in the drills. Any procedural changes found necessary through conducting the drills are to be submitted to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
  4. Maintaining the Plan: The Vice President for Administration and Finance and Campus Police maintain, update, and distribute changes to this plan and, with the President, initiate actions necessary to effectively deal with disasters and disruptions affecting the University. They are responsible for the procurement and management of resources necessary for emergency operations, and for operating the Emergency Communications Center. Members of the Emergency Response Team assist in periodically evaluating and updating the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Plan.

    The plan is effective upon its receipt and supersedes all other campus emergency disaster and disruption plans. The plan can be found at