Policies and Procedures Manual 2024 - 2025

10.11 - Monitoring and Reporting Policy

Financial Reporting

The University strives to provide management, staff, and funding sources with timely and accurate financial reports applicable to federal awards.


The University shall prepare and submit financial reports as specified by the financial reporting clause of each grant or contract award document. Information will be collected with the frequency required by the terms and conditions of the Federal award, but no less frequently than annually nor more frequently than quarterly except in unusual circumstances (as specified in the grant agreement).


Monitoring and Reporting Program Performance

The University is responsible for oversight of the operations of the Federal award supported activities. It is the policy of the University to monitor its activities under Federal awards to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements and performance expectations are being achieved. Monitoring must cover each program, function, or activity.


Performance reports will be submitted at the interval required by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity to best inform improvements in program outcomes and productivity. Intervals must be no less frequent than annually nor more frequent than quarterly except in unusual circumstances (as specified in the grant agreement).

  1. Annual reports will be submitted within 90 calendar days after the reporting period.
  2. Quarterly or semiannual reports will be submitted within 30 calendar days after the reporting period.
  3. Final performance report will be submitted within 120 calendar days (90 day in the case of subrecipient) after the period of performance end date, unless there is a justified request submitted and approved.


Reports will contain, for each Federal award, brief information on the following:

  1. A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives of the Federal award established for the period. Where the accomplishments of the Federal award can be quantified, a computation of the cost (for example, related to units of accomplishment) will be included.
  2. The reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate.
  3. Additional pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs.


Significant Developments

Events may occur between the scheduled performance reporting dates that have significant impact upon the supported activity. In such cases, the University must inform the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity as soon as the following types of conditions become known:

  1. Problems, delays, or adverse conditions which will materially impair the ability to meet the objective of the Federal award. This disclosure must include a statement of the action taken, or contemplated, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation.
  2. Favorable developments which enable meeting time schedules and objectives sooner or at less cost than anticipated or producing more or different beneficial results than originally planned.


Tangible Personal Property Reporting:

Property may be provided by the awarding agency or acquired by the recipient with award funds. Federally-owned property consists of items that were furnished by the Federal government. The University may be required to provide Federal awarding agencies with information concerning property in their custody annually, at award closeout or when the property is no longer needed. Specific requirements will vary based on award provisions, the type of property (equipment or supplies) and whether the property is Federally-owned.


The University will complete and submit a SF-428 reporting form and its attachments when it is required. This is a standard form to be used by awarding agencies to collect information related to tangible personal property (equipment and supplies) when required by a Federal financial assistance award. The form consists of the cover sheet (SF-428) and three attachments to be used as required: Annual Report, SF428-A; Final (Award Closeout) Report, SF-428-B; and a Disposition Request/Report, SF-428-C. A Supplemental Sheet, SF-428S, may be used to provide detailed individual item information.