Student Handbook 2023-2024

Bomb Threat

All bomb threats must be taken seriously. Bomb threats can be delivered in a variety of ways including in-person, via telephone or in writing. The most dangerous means is in-person; the most common means is via telephone.

  1. Telephone Bomb Threat:
    1. Remain calm.
    2. If the caller allows you to talk, ask questions from the Bomb Threat Checklist; keep the caller talking as long as possible.
    3. Signal a co-worker to call the Switchboard (dial 0) while you continue talking.
    4. Switchboard should notify 911, Campus Police @ 706-939-1349 or 706-939-1350 (In Athens 706-433-1789).
    5. The President or designee will facilitate an evacuation of the building, if deemed necessary, with the assistance of Campus Police and possibly the Police and/or Fire Department.
    6. Return to the evacuated building will be allowed ONLY after the Emergency Response Team gives the “all clear” notification.
  2. In-Person Bomb Threat:
    1. Remain calm.
    2. Do not approach the individual. Never get close enough that you could panic the person or be used as a hostage.
    3. If possible, try to segregate the individual from others.
    4. Try to draw the attention of one or two others so they can call (in order) 911 (dial 9, then 911 if calling from a campus phone) and then Switchboard (0).
    5. Talk to the individual in a calm and rational manner; put the person and yourself at ease as much as possible.
    6. Try to get the individual to speak; let the person do most of the talking; ask questions about the bomb, its location, and description.
    7. Let law enforcement replace you as the negotiator when they arrive at the scene.
    8. Once you leave the scene, relay all information to any other officer present.
    9. Immediately write down everything you remember.
    10. Remain accessible to law enforcement until you are told to do otherwise.
  3. Bombs/Suspected Packages: If you should spot a suspicious object, package, etc., or if you suspect an item delivered to campus may be a bomb:
    2. Calmly notify others in the immediate area and evacuate.
    3. If there is a fire alarm in your area, DO NOT ACTIVATE IT. You do not want to frighten everyone.
    4. Call Campus Police:
      • Demorest Campus at 706-939-1349 or 706-939-1350 or
      • Athens Campus at 706-433-1789 or 706-968-4453
    5. Use a campus phone and dial 9 for an outside line, then 911 for emergency assistance. DO NOT USE A CELL PHONE! A cell phone could potentially set off the package.
    6. Stay calm when calling
    7. Clearly state the type of emergency
    8. Clearly state the location of the suspicious package or letter, your name, location and phone number from which you are calling.
    9. Do not hang up until told to do so.
    10. Call the Piedmont University Switchboard (dial 0), notify them that 911 has been called and emergency personnel are en-route. The Switchboard should notify the President.
    11. Campus Police will assist with evacuation.
    12. Return to area will be allowed ONLY after Campus Police or the Emergency Response Team gives the “all clear” notification.