Student Handbook 2023-2024

Community of Standards

Piedmont University dedicates itself to the transformative power of education through reciprocal learning, the development of compassionate leaders, and the stewardship of our local and global communities. As such, we promote a community of student learning, success and well being. As responsible adults, students should exhibit thoughtfulness in decision-making and disruption to the learning environment will not be tolerated. A restorative justice approach will be used to review and adjudicate violations or instances where the code of conduct has been violated.

The University will endeavor to provide a living and learning environment in which the student can meet their academic goals. The University has the responsibility of providing the student with a clear understanding of its academic requirements, which are generally set forth in writing in the University catalogs.

The University will determine, publish and make known its rules concerning student conduct. The University has the right to determine when its rules are violated and to determine the appropriate course of action. By enrolling in Piedmont University, the student accepts the responsibility to comply with the University’s authority, to respect the rights of others and to protect private and public property.

The Vice President for Student Affairs shall be responsible to the President for the supervision and coordination of all parts of programs supporting student life at Piedmont University.

Students are expected to know and abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the Piedmont University Catalog, Student Handbook, and other documents which may pertain to their enrollment and matriculation at Piedmont University. Ignorance of these rules or the penalties for violation of these rules does not constitute an acceptable defense.

Responsible behavior is expected of all Piedmont students at all times. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in varying degrees of consequences. The University is not designed nor equipped to rehabilitate persons who pose a threat to the campus community or disrupt the learning environment. It may be necessary, therefore, to separate those individuals from the campus and end their relationship with the University.

When a student is observed violating a campus policy, a campus official (e.g., residence life professional staff member, resident assistant, faculty/staff member, Campus Police officer) will complete an incident report, available from the Office of Student Life. Students who witness a violation of campus policy should contact a campus official for assistance. 

A decision reached by the Student Conduct Process or a sanction imposed by the Student Conduct Conference may be appealed by the accused student(s) to an appeal within three (3) calendar days of the decision. Such appeals shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Office of Student Life or designee.
