Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023

MCOM 3450 Editing and Graphics for TV and Film

In this course, students study methodologies and techniques of video and film editing. They utilize the latest digital editing software to produce programs to air on TV Piedmont.

Registration Name

Edit & Graphics for TV & Film

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





MCOM 2400


Demorest: Fall odd years

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Understand basic video editing principles.
  2. Be able to produce complete video segments advancing a story. 
  3. Some topics covered include:
    1. An editor’s role and responsibility in storytelling
    2. Shooting a video to edit versus not editing
    3. Setting up, organizing, and exporting video projects
    4. Three-point editing and basic trimming
    5. Video transitions and effects
    6. Editing and mixing basic audio
    7. Elementary color correction
    8. The role of pacing and rhythm
    9. Continuity editing
    10. Differences in film editing genres
    11. The future of film editing and careers