Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

HSCS 5421 Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Physiology

This course is designed to acquaint the student with typical laboratory equipment and testing procedures used in exercise physiology. NOTE: This course is intended to be hands-on and participatory.

Registration Name

Lab Tech Exercise Phys

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





ATRG or HLHP Program Admission


Demorest: Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Describe and perform field tests for all Exercise Physiology variables

  • Describe and perform lab tests for all Exercise Physiology variables

  • Describe and perform various Exercise Physiology tests using a variety of equipment

  • Discuss appropriate physiological response to various tests performed

  • (NSCA Practical/applied 3.C.) Students will determine the policies and procedures associated with the safe operation of the strength and conditioning facility (e.g., facility/equipment cleaning and maintenance, rules, scheduling, emergency procedures).

  • (NSCA Practical/applied 4.A.; 4.C.) Students will administer goal-specific test protocols and procedures to ensure reliable data collection, and interpret the results to design a training program for strength, endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, and/or body composition.

  • (CHES 8.3.1) Students will participate. in professional associations, coalitions, and networks (e.g., serving on committees, attending conferences, and providing leadership).

  • (CHES 8.3.2; 8.3.3) Students will develop and implement a professional development plan that includes participating in continuing education opportunities to maintain or enhance continuing competence.

  • (CHES 8.3.4) Students will promote the health education profession by building relationships with other professionals within and outside the profession.