Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

HSCS 5410 Research Methodology in Health Sciences

This course includes the basic research techniques and scientific writing skills necessary for health care professionals, with a focus on systematic inquiry, the Scientific Method, hypothesis building, reviewing literature, procedure design, and evidence-based practice. The final product of the course will be a complete introduction, review of literature, and methods for an empirical or action research study. We will employ a philosophy of "learning by doing" throughout the course, designed to allow each student to practice the research process.

Registration Name

Research Method in Health Sci

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





ATRG or HLHP Program Admission


Demorest: Fall

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

• (62a) Students will provide athletic training services in a manner that uses evidence to inform practice, including: 1) the ability to differentiate between narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses; 2) the ability to describe and differentiate types of qualitative and quantitative research, research components, and levels of research evidence; and 3) use standard criteria to critically appraise the structure, rigor, and overall quality of research studies to create and answer clinical questions.
• (62b) Students will provide athletic training services in a manner that uses evidence to inform practice, including: 1) the use of clinical outcome assessment instruments; and 2) the development and use of clinical prediction rules to determine the effectiveness and efficacy of intervention strategies.
• (63a) Students will use quality assurance and quality improvement strategies to enhance client/patient care, including the use of evidence to: 1) differentiate between narrative reviews, systematic reviews , and meta-analyses; 2) describe and differentiate types of qualitative and quantitative research, research components, and levels of research evidence; and 3) critically appraise the structure, rigor, and overall quality of research studies to create and answer clinical questions.
• (64b) Students will apply contemporary principles and practices of health informatics to patient care delivery and administration, including: 2) search, retrieve, analyze, and use information derived from databases and online critical appraisal libraries for clinical decision support.
• (CHES 1.2.1) Students will identify primary data, secondary data, and evidence-informed resources related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.3) Students will conduct a literature review related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.5) Students will determine the validity and reliability of secondary data related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.6) Students will identify potential gaps in secondary data related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.7) Students will determine primary data collection needs, instruments, methods, and procedures related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.8) Students will adhere to established procedures to collect qualitative and/or quantitative data related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 4.1.8) Students will adopt or modify existing instruments for collecting data.
• (CHES 6.5.1) Students will deliver health education/promotion presentation(s) tailored to the audience(s).
• (CHES 6.5.2; 6.5.3) Students will use public speaking and facilitation skills with large and/or small groups.
• (CHES 6.5.3) Students will use public speaking and facilitation skills with large and/or small groups.
• (CHES 6.5.5) Students will deliver oral and written health communication that aligns with professional standards of grammar, punctuation, and style.
• (CHES 8.1.3) Students will comply with legal standards and regulatory guidelines in assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation and research, advocacy, management, communication, and reporting processes.