Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

EDEM 6638 Advanced Assessment and Instruction in Reading

This course recognizes the necessity of a teacher to possess a thorough understanding and competence in classroom assessment/diagnostic principles and instructional practices for improving learner reading ability. Emphasis is placed on providing candidates with theoretical and practical experiences that will enhance and strengthen their knowledge base and enable them to gain competence with: (1) the reading processes, (2) the skills of reading, (3) reading assessment tools, (4) techniques and strategies for addressing specific reading strengths and difficulties of students, and (5) procedures for developing individual prescriptions for reading improvement based on identified student needs. Topics include: (1) what teachers need to know about reading assessment, (2) changing trends in assessment, (3) ongoing assessment, (4) periodic in-depth assessment, (5) portfolio assessment, (6) formal measures (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and minimum competency testing), (7) instructional strategies for remediation, and (8) assessment factors related to reading problems. (Pre-service certificate required. Field experience required.)

Registration Name

Adv Assessment in Reading

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Athens and Demorest: Fall and Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Explain reasons for reading difficulties. 

  2. Administer an informal reading inventory and interpret results.

  3. Align research-based teaching strategies with formative literacy assessment. 

  4. Design quantitative and qualitative testing procedures, both print and digital, to measure reading performance and abilities.

  5. Evaluate data from an IRI and other qualitative and quantitative tools to design a three-day lesson for a single student (plan, teach, assess).

  6. Articulate key differences in the assessment practices associated with guided reading, balanced literacy, and science of reading.