Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

Educational Studies, B.A.

Students enrolled in undergraduate programs in Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education, Secondary Education, Art Education, Drama Education, or Spanish Education who do not wish to pursue teacher certification or complete the professional requirements for internship may apply instead to complete requirements for a B.A. Degree in Educational Studies. Individuals who select this option are not recommended for state certification. A minimum of 120 credits, of which 30 must be in Education courses, is required for completion of the degree. The professional semester, which typically includes the Internship II experience, must be replaced by course work. All Educational Studies candidates are required to complete the following requirements in the final semester of the program.

  1. EDUC 4788 Educational Studies Capstone
  2. A completed program portfolio

A request to change to the Educational Studies major must be filed with the Dean’s office on the appropriate form.

Individuals who have been accepted to the College (and/or who may have been admitted as “undecided” majors) may choose to pursue the bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies, with the goal of pursuing other education-related careers, including human services, educational publishing, museums, galleries, or teaching in private schools. Students complete the college’s general education requirements and a 30-credit major comprised of education courses planned with their advisor. A final capstone course is required. The educational studies degree does not lead to recommendation for teacher certification.

Candidates who receive the B.A. degree in Educational Studies may apply to return to the College within five years as a certification-only student. A prerequisite for admission as a certification-only student is successful completion of the appropriate GACE content tests and a pre-service certificate.

Educational Studies Curriculum Outline

Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree in Educational Studies

Mission: The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Educational Studies is designed for individuals who may have originally entered a bachelor's degree program in education and whose career goals have changed and who are no longer seeking teacher certification. Additionally, the mission of the BA degree in Educational Studies provides individuals who are not seeking teacher certification with course work and experiences to pursue careers in education-related fields such as human services, educational publishing, museums, galleries, or private schools.

To be eligible for the B.A. degree in Educational Studies, candidates must, with the assistance of their advisor, complete a program of studies that includes a minimum of 30 credits in Education course work (of which 3 credits must include the Capstone exhibition course) and a minimum of 120 credits.

The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Educational Studies requires a minimum of 120 credit hours as follows:

General Education

Total Credit Hours:46

Piedmont College Requirement

PDMT 1101Intro to College Life and Liberal Arts Tradition


Total Credit Hours:1

Students who have not completed a minimum of 24 semester credit hours of college-level coursework upon admission to Piedmont College must meet this college requirement.

Major courses

Candidates will complete a program of studies that includes a minimum of 30 credits in Education course work (of which 3 credits must include the Capstone exhibition course)

Required courses:

EDUC 4788Capstone/Exhibition


Total Credit Hours:30

Elective courses

(approved by advisor)

Total Credit Hours:46

Total Credit Hours: 120