Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

PDMT 1101 Intro to College Life and Liberal Arts Tradition

This discussion-oriented course will provide students entering Piedmont College with fewer than 24 hours of transfer credit the opportunity to engage in discussions and activities that will promote their understanding of college life and the purpose and content of a Liberal Arts education. Discussions of reading material will foster critical thinking and oral skills, while written assignments will promote the development of writing skills.



Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Identify resources on the Piedmont campus and surrounding community to succeed in academic, social and personal goals. The professors, advisor, faculty in the department, peers, and college staff will assist with growth. 
  2. Explore the path in pursuit of goals in the declared academic discipline. Learn about the range of academic and career opportunities afforded by the major. Be able to discern if a change of course of study to a different area is necessary. If the major is undeclared, explore the options and consider which academic program is the best fit.
  3. Become part of the heritage of Piedmont College. By learning about the college, department and field, be able to better figure out how and where the individual belongs in the Piedmont family.