Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

EDD 9907 Dissertation Applied Research IIIA

This one-hour credit course is designed to support the doctoral student in understanding the elements of the final chapters of the dissertation. The focus will be on a critical examination of dissertations to see how analyses are presented and how that information is synthesized and discussed in the final chapter. Students must have completed and defended the prospectus before registering for this course.




This course may be taken concurrently with EDD 9917 and EDD 9927.

Typically Offered

Demorest Campus/Athens Campus: spring

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. Understand the content that is included in Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation.  (DCLO #10, INTASC #9 and #10)
  2. Recognize the appropriate inferences that can be drawn in the dissertation.  (DCLO #10, INTASC #9 and #10)

After completing EDD 9907, 9917 and 9927 (companion courses) the candidate will be able to:

  1. Perform the analyses needed for their dissertation research and make the appropriate inferences based on those analyses. (DCLO #10, INTASC #9 and #10)
  2. Understand the limitations of and potential biases inherent in their research (DCLO #10, INTASC #9 and #10)
  3. Understand how their research adds to the current body of knowledge and makes suggestions how other researchers can add to that knowledge base. (DCLO #10, INTASC #9 and #10)