Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

EDD 9901 Dissertation Applied Research I

This course provides the candidatewith the knowledge and skills to develop a research plan which will prepare him or her to write a dissertation prospectus. The candidate will first develop a model that will guide the development of the research questions, hypotheses, instrument choice and research design. Once the model is agreed upon, students will investigate and decide upon instruments to use and sample sizes that may be necessary. With those decisions made, the research questions and hypotheses can be developed. Throughout the course, candidates will work toward developing the following aspects of their studies: 

  • Statement of the problem 
  • Statement of the purpose of the Study 
  • Research questions(s)/hypothesis 
  • Choice of instrument(s) to be used (including validity/reliability evidence) 
  • Outline for literature review



Typically Offered

Demorest Campus/Athens Campus: spring

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. Propose a line of research that fills a gap in the knowledge base and answers questions that are applicable to the candidate’s area of certification. (CCLO #8 and #9, INTASC #9 and #10)
  2. Understand the limitations of and potential biases inherent in their research (CCLO #8 and #9, INTASC #9 and #10)