Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Repeating Courses

A student who earns a grade below a “C” in a Piedmont University course may repeat that course until receiving an acceptable grade to meet graduation/degree requirements in accordance with the following restrictions:

  • Grade forgiveness may be applied only once per course.
  • All course grades remain on the student’s transcript.
  • Credit hours earned for the course count only once toward total hours earned for graduation.

Grades and credit earned from courses repeated at other institutions cannot be calculated in the student’s GPA at Piedmont University.

A student who earns a grade lower than a “C” as a result of a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy may repeat the course; however, the grade resulting from the violation is not eligible for grade forgiveness.

Grade Forgiveness

Grade forgiveness removes a grade lower than a “C” from the grade-point average (GPA) calculation when the course is repeated and a grade of “C” or above is earned. However, all course grades remain on the student’s transcript. Grade forgiveness is allowed only once per course. 

A course grade lower than a “C” that results from a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy is not eligible for grade forgiveness. 

Grade forgiveness does not apply to a grade of ‘C’ or higher.