Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025


If a student experiences an extenuating circumstance at the end of classes for a course(s) that prevents the student from completing the final assignment, exam, or project, the student may request a grade of incomplete (I) in the course with the approval of the course instructor and the dean of the appropriate college. The student must provide supporting evidence of the extenuating circumstance and must have earned a passing grade in completed course work to be eligible for a grade of incomplete. Incomplete grades are not appropriate in cases of excessive absences or missed deadlines throughout the semester; instead, withdrawal or medical withdrawal may be appropriate. Incomplete grades are not appropriate if the faculty member is uncertain if the student attended the course; wherein a grade of F should be assigned.

Failure to remove the incomplete grade within twenty business days (excepting university holidays) following the last day of classes for the course(s) will result in a grade of “F.” The Vice President for Academic Affairs must approve extensions beyond the 20-business day completion period. The faculty member, with the dean’s approval, may submit a request for an extension. Assignment of Incomplete Grade forms are available in the Registrar’s Office.