Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Studies is the only major that allows students to structure their programs of study by selecting thematically related courses from three academic disciplines. This major is available to all undergraduate students at Piedmont University who have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 at the time they apply for admission to the program. 

Students should apply to the program before completing 60 semester credit hours of coursework. Upon admission, students will collaborate with their academic advisors to design their interdisciplinary majors. The theme of the proposed programs will determine whether Piedmont University awards students bachelor of art degrees or bachelor of science degrees. 

Students must complete from 42 to 48 semester credit hours of coursework to earn an interdisciplinary studies degree. This total can include up to 21 hours of coursework taken before gaining admission to the program. Furthermore, students may complete up to 21 semester credit hours in one academic discipline. At least 24 hours of the program must be derived from courses at the 3000 and 4000 levels. Students must earn minimum grades of C in all major-specific coursework.


Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Degree


General Education

I. Communication (9 hours)

Rhetoric and Composition


ENGL 1101*


Rhetoric and Composition


Literature and Composition 
ENGL 1102*             Literature and Composition 3



Choose course from approved list


II. Humanities and Fine Arts (15 hours)

Modern Languages    SPAN 1101             Elementary Spanish I 3
    SPAN 1102             Elementary Spanish II 3

English Literature



            Choose one 2000-level English Literature course
(ENGL 2225 and ENGL 2226 may NOT be used)



Philosophy and Religion

                Choose one PHIL or RELG course at the
1000-2000 level



Fine Arts




Choose course from approved list 


III. History and Social Sciences (9 hours)

World History




Choose course from approved list






Choose course from approved list


Social Science    BUSA 1210             Introduction to Microeconomics 3

IV. Mathematics and Natural Sciences (10 to 12 hours)





Choose course from approved list

3 to 4

Natural Science                 Choose a pair in sequence from approved list   7 to 8

V. Ethics (3 hours)

Ethics                  Choose course from approved list 3

VI. Institutional Requirement (1 hour)

First-Year Experience


*Grade of C or higher required.


PDMT 1101


Introduction to University Life and
the Liberal Arts Tradition



Total Credit Hours:46-49

Students who enter with fewer than 24 semester credit hours must satisfy the institutional requirement.

Interdisciplinary Major

IDIS 4499Interdisciplinary Capstone Course


Interdisciplinary Studies Major


Total Credit Hours:42-48

General Electives

General Electives


Total Credit Hours:22-33

Total Credit Hours: 121