Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

HSCS 2301 Health Promotion, Physical Activity, and Wellness

This class is an introduction to the theory of health and wellness promotion. It is designed to provide students with the conceptual foundation necessary to develop, promote, and assess health promotion programs and interventions. Current trends in health promotion for adults and children will be discussed and public health policy and prevention programs evaluated.

Registration Name

Health Prom, Phy Activity, Wellness

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Demorest: Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze the impact of culture on health promotion.
  2. Articulate a personal philosophy of health and health promotion.
  3. Assess public policy for its health promotion and disease prevention implications.
  4. Describe local, national, and global trends affecting health and health promotion.
  5. Identify and compare models/theories of health promotion.
  6. Describe and apply concepts of problem identification, assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation as pertinent to health promotion.
  7. Identify major scientific, societal, communal, and ethical issues in health promotion.
  8. Identify the leading causes of illness, disease, and death by gender, age, and population groupings.
  9. Plan a health promotion intervention specific to a chosen population.