Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

HSCS 2270 Clinical Nutrition

This course covers issues in modern nutrition, public health and chronic disease. We will focus on the major non-infectious diseases present in Western countries that are caused by modifiable lifestyle choices and the role that diet plays in maintenance of health and the risk of chronic diseases. The effects of prescription medications, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments as related to the disease process and nutritional needs will also be explored.

Registration Name

Clinical Nutrition

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





HSCS 2210


Online: Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe metabolic processes of diseases and disorders in relation to nutrition.
  2. Explain dietary and lifestyle modifications necessary during various disease states and disorders.
  3. Obtain knowledge of the effect of an assortment of diseases and disorders on nutritional status and nutrient requirements.
  4. Recognize possible drug-nutrient interactions and the effects on nutrient utilization.
  5. Identify the recommended medical nutrition therapy during a variety of diseases and disorders.