Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

BUSA 2306 Applied Ethics

The application of ethical principles in a business setting is an essential and critical skill for a business manager. BUSA 2306 gives students an overview of the fundamental concepts and principles of business ethics, as well as practical approaches to recognizing and solving ethical dilemmas. The purpose of this course is to strengthen the student’s ability to anticipate, critically analyze, appropriately respond to, and provide leadership regarding ethical issues that students will confront as employees and eventually as managers of people, projects, and enterprises. This course will help students understand how ethical issues emerge at all levels of a business organization and give students the tools to make sound ethical decisions.

Registration Name

Applied Ethics

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours







Demorest: Spring and odd Fall, Online: even Fall

Student Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain how corporate culture influences ethical decision making.
  • Explain why ethics is important in business and why ethical responsibilities go beyond compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Have a basic knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles of business ethics.
  • Recognize and address the common ethical dilemmas occurring at all levels of a business organization, including management, marketing, finance, information technology, and accounting.
  • Have a sense of confidence in their ability to recognize, analyze and resolve ethical dilemmas.