Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

EDS 7831 Trends and Issues in Curriculum Leadership

This course is an in-depth study and analysis of contemporary issues and trends in curriculum. It is also an exploration of the social, historical, theoretical, and political foundations which undergird and influence curriculum development. Trends that influence current curriculum practices and decisions will be discussed as well as the impact these practices have on student learning and student assessment.

Registration Name

Trends & Issues in Curr Lead

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours




Cross Listed Courses

EDD 8831


Athens and Demorest: Second Fall sequence

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course the candidate will be able to:

  1. Explore, in-depth, the literature on curriculum development
  2. Articulate positions on issues in curriculum development
  3. Describe relationships among instructional supervision, curriculum development, and staff development
  4. Relate theory, research, and issues found in the literature to K – 12 practice
  5. Demonstrate a broad understanding of the character of curriculum and the history of curriculum
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the various approaches for developing and /or changing curriculum
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of facilitating the effective implementation of curriculum
  8. Demonstrate a knowledge of curriculum theories
  9. Evaluate curriculum and its impact on student assessment
  10. Differentiate different levels at which curriculum planning and development occurs
  11. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of curriculum stakeholders
  12. Discuss the political nature of curriculum
  13. Analyze the elements, organization, scope and sequence of foundational curricular documents
  14. Describe tools for planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum