Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

BIOL 6300 Forensic Entomology

Forensic Entomology covers arthropods and their general biology, succession, developmental cycles and population biology in matters of criminal prosecution and civil litigation. Emphasis is on basic arthropod biology, ecological and developmental concepts, methods, development of reasoning abilities, hypothesis formulation, development of opinions, and evidence.

Registration Name

Forensic Entomology



Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Have an understanding of arthropods and their general biology, succession, developmental cycles and population biology in matters of criminal prosecution and civil litigation.
  2. Be able to apply their understanding of arthropods and their general biology, succession, developmental cycles and population biology in matters of criminal prosecution and civil litigation.
  3. Develop applied skills in forensic methods, development of reasoning abilities, hypothesis formulation, development of opinions, and evidence.