Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

ART 2663 Exploration in Foundry Casting

ART 2663 is a beginning sculpture course in foundry casting. Students learn basic foundry processes, including lost form, sand casting, and lost wax casting. Students prepare and present projects case in aluminum and bronze. Students must complete an additional three hours of independent studio work.

Registration Name

Exploration in Foundry Casting

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Demorest: Fall and Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  • Use the tools and materials applicable to the three-dimensional form.
  • Explore the three methods of working in sculptural form, the additive, subtractive, and assemblage.
  • Will develop solutions to visual problems based on research into historical as well as contemporary artists.
  • Through individual and group critique sessions, develop their analysis of the relationship between form and content within works of art.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of composition.
  • Manipulate the elements of design through contour, gesture, shape and space.
  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of foundry casting. Design and document ideas for projects through technical drawings.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of nonferrous metals and select the type needed for each project.
  • Demonstrate the proper maintenance and safe use of selected hand and power tools.
  • Execute the necessary sequence of steps to successfully complete a riveted metal object.
  • Execute the necessary sequence of steps to successfully complete a cast metal object.
  • Execute the necessary sequence of steps to successfully complete a hollow form ring.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the elements and principles of design through critiques, oral presentations, and discussion.