Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

ART 2225 Introduction to Digital Fabrication

In this course, students explore the design process as it relates to concepts in the field of digital fabrication. The course deals with digital fabrication based on design, production, and ideation. The design perspective highlights CAM software, technologies, and concepts that enable digital fabrication. The production perspective focuses on the CAD tools used in additive and reductive production needed to transform an idea into a tangible prototype. The ideation perspective focuses on multiple problem-solving approaches to design thinking and human-centered design.

Registration Name

Intro to Digital Fabrication

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Demorest: Fall and Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to interpret and design across digital platforms.
    Department Goal 2.2
  • Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of CAM software
  • Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of CAD production
  • Students will develop communication and interpersonal skills through group work and peer engagement.
  • Students will demonstrate a creative process through the repetition of research, sketching, exploring media, variations, and refinements.
  • Students will be able to experiment with solutions, critically analyze the results of their solutions and those of their peers and make modifications.
  • Students will understand the broader context of design thinking and human-centered design through reflecting upon the assigned readings.
  • They will become effective collaborators, demonstrate design distinctiveness, and patient problem solving.