Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

PDMT 6050 Summer Travel Study Pre-Depature Orientation

This course prepares participants of a Summer Travel Study program at Piedmont University for a successful travel experience and serves as an introduction to the academic content of the summer courses associated with the travel study experience. A passing grade in this course is a pre-requisite for participation in summer travel study courses. This course can be repeated for credit.

Registration Name

Sum Trav Stu Pre-Depart Orient

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Students must be approved to participate in associated STS experience and have paid deposit.


Athens and Demorest: As needed

Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the semester, students will be able to:

  • Reflect on own culture and develop realistic travel expectations accounting for the norms (folkways, mores, taboos, and laws) associated with travel location(s).
  • Understand requirements and logistics of a successful travel experience and complete, acquire, and/or submit all required pre-departure documents.
  • Articulate developing knowledge of course content from the scheduled summer semester travel study courses.